Chapter 20:Full Circle

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After the entire Class reached the hallway of The League of Villains base,Uraraka told the whole class to wait and went immediately upstairs and changed in her dress,then went to a different room and called out Izuku's name. Few minutes later Izuku came down wearing a Green shirt and black vest holding Uraraka with his arms by floating.He then landed in front of the class."Thank you,Uraraka for helping me to making that entrance." Uraraka just blushed and smiled from the compliment. "My Name is Izuku Midoriya and I am the leader of the League Of Villains" All 4 of the new recruits were shocked,they heard his name from the T.V from the Yaoyoruzu Household Attacks. "What are you gonna do to us?" Said Sato as he and Shoji preparing their Quirks for a battle. "Its not that what I want to do to you,Its what Iam going to do for you."Said Izuku"Now then." Said Izuku,"Where is the person who can talk to animals?" Koda came forward looking shy and unsure about what's about to happen." Me sir Iam Koda" Said Koda Bashfully. "Well then,Koda I brought you 2 new friends for you and they are a bit more larger than their actual size due to the Growth Enlargement serum." Izuku then had unveiled 2 giant cages that was brought down by Uraraka who went upstairs to bring them down. Inside the cage were 2 King Kong sized Gorillas,The entire Villain class stepped back from fear. " The one on the left who is grey is a male named Harambe and the one on the left who is black is named Koko, I had All For One use a Quirk that allows the person to travel to  certain points of  time that can only be used as long as it has nothing to do with the user's past in other words I can't change my own past but change certain parts by interfering in others,so I used this Quirk to when when these famous American animals  were in their respective Zoos and when they are 3 years old and rescued them from their supposed fate of death.Then after tranquilizing them I placed them in a monster sized cage and All For One made me a Growth Serum by using Growth and Transfer along with Formula" Koda approched the 2 enlarged gorillas who were savagely thrashing at the bars."Boss, one day animal activists will seriously gonna sue your ass." Said Denki.Izuku then humored Denki,"True." and then Koda used his Quirk to calm them. Then the cage doors open and all the villains except Koda and his 5 classmates saw an unbelievable sight,Koda was the picked up in both Harambe and Koko by the arms and they started to pet and lick him. Then by using his anivoice he made the gorillas prostate in Dogeza form and made them stand straight in attention."Amazing,simply amazing." Said Izuku patting Koda on his pointed head as Uraraka uses her Levitate on him."You can talk to and command animals and now that I seen the scope of your powers, I have decided to give you your own special room in our base also I have special support gear Mei built for me for your animal companions in case very bad humans try to come and hurt them."
"I know that you are trying to gain my loyalty,but I don't wanna hurt anyone,even Shoji,Sato,Aoyama Oijiro don't want to hurt people. Izuku then told Uraraka to let him down and approached the 4." Look here,Koda Uraraka and Shoto has been telling me how badly mistreated you and your friends have to learn this one important lesson,Nothing can be gained unless you fight and stuggle for it even if it goes against your ideals,take Iida your class rep,he knows that you and your friends are considered "damaged goods" by the school yet inspite of that he went out of his way to transfer to your class and teach you everything that you and your friends were struggling with.Tokoyami also went out to fight for you also yet he did it by himself to make sure your life choices weren't compromised." Both of the villains lowered their heads. "Now Koda you saw how Sato and Shoji both came to your defense when I revealed my Identity to you guys.This is why I should reveal my reasons of becoming a villain." After Izuku revealed his reasons of becoming a villain, the entire class was shocked. " Shoto tell me this is NOT TRUE!!!" Said Shoji and the other Villains. "Everything Izuku told you guys is the truth." Said Shoto being unable to hold back his tears."My father who was a Pro Hero was much worse than any Villain you ever met. I never was allowed to meet my older siblings,my mother suffered horribly,and finally she had a mental breakdown and spilled boiling water at my face and was sent to the asylum." "THAT MOTHERFUCKER!" Shouted Jiro as she slammed her Earphone Jacks in fustration." I initially joined The League of Villains cause it pays well even though you earned Boss Tsu's and Hagakure's loyalty.Now you have given all of us a reason to join.Killing Endeavour's ass!" "Yeah!" Shouted all the Class. "We will join you too." Said Shoji,Sato,Aoyama and Oijiro . " Good cause I got something for you 4 as well. " Said Izuku. Oijiro your room at our base is a Dojo with every advanced program to train your skills and how to use your tail for attack as well as defense.I will train with you to see how far you advanced." Oijiro got exited with joy." Sato your Quirk requires sugar so for that and for your Quirk training you will get a sugarcane plantation field and you will exercise your Quirk by drinking the juice from them and you plant and grow and maintain the land to grow your supply, I even installed a processing center that will make Brown Sugar so you won't suffer negative drawbacks of your Quirk." "Shoji to me you are a mystery so Iam putting you in charge of Guardian and Overseer of all League Of Villains bases and labs and you get your own room with cameras to watch and food in the fridge in case you get hungry." "Mr.Midoriya I am just a simple person,I don't really need too many things." "I know which is why you will be the monitor and protector of this estate in case we are under attack from Pro Heroes." Said Izuku. "Now Aoyama you get one very special room." Izuku opened the jewel encrusted doorknob which has opened to a room full of sparkling jewels and gemstones. Along the room with furniture and appliance which are gleamed and waxed so stong that every villain had to cover their eyes from the refractive light hitting their eyes."Mon Ami This is so beautiful." Said Aoyama with tears in his eyes. "No one ever would do anything like this for me." "Well Aoyama if you love your room then you will love your costume." Izuku brought out a thin sparkly Spacesuit with several focusing lens on the palm and soles and a large one at the middle with a bulky pelvic part. "This suit is designed to work with your Quirk and also this suit with hard work from me and Hatsune we managed to build you a portable bathroom which will help you relieve yourself and it is able to dispose of the waste via expulsion via vents which shrink the waste down and put them in biodegradable balls and expel them safely but we still need to maintain it and has comfortable padding so it is easy to wear so you don't wear underwear and  this suit also cleans your bottom and groin for you so you remain clean now put it on." After a few minutes of putting on the costume Aoyama decided to give his costume a try. He first shot a laser beam at a target.he succeeded then the needed to use the bathroom and his costume beeped which indicates he went in the suit. Aoyama was crying as he hugged Izuku for giving him such a gift,no one was able to go the lengths Izuku went to try and help him when Aoyama was born with a birth defect that prevents him from stopping his Quirk from emitting so he always wore his Sparkle Belt to help him since he was a child. Izuku is now content,His inner team of his League Of Villains is complete, All that was left: The Fall of Hero Society.

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