Running Away From The Past (HermionexCharlie)

Start from the beginning

Charlie coughs to draw everyone's attention to the two of us, and Molly smiles tightly when she realizes Charlie is home today. "Charlie, it's lovely to see you." She says, standing to wrap her son in a tight hug. "We've got something we'd like to talk to the lot of you about." Charlie says, taking a seat and pulling me to sit on the arm of his chair. "Well, go ahead then." Molly encourages, her eyes fluttering between Charlie and I. "Mum, it seems we've got some news that you're either going to love or be incredibly disappointed in us over- After the final battle, when everyone went up to Gryffindor tower to party and celebrate the end of Voldemort, Hermione and I each had a bit too much to drink and found each others company that night... and well, she's pregnant." There's an audible collective intake of breath from everyone in the room- the news of the first Weasley of the next generation rocking the room. "You got Hermione Granger, the golden girl of the Wizarding world, pregnant... and didn't think it was important to mention it until now?" Percy finally says, his eyes wide and on Charlie.

"We only found out today." I supply, my shoulders sagging when I meet George's eyes. George, ever the observant person he is, says "I'm going to take Mione to get a cup of tea, you lot can yell at Charlie all you want after I get the silencing charms up around the kitchen." Grabbing my hand, George pulls me from my seat and leads me away from Charlie and the rest of his family, who look ready to bite his head off. As soon as I'm in the kitchen and George's charms are up, he turns to me. "Start talking Granger, I know it's not Charlie's because he and I spent the night locked in Fred and I's old dorm." "It's not Charlie's; It's Fred's." George growls at me and snaps something about me lying to him. Looking into his eyes, I open my mind so he can see my memories- a tear slipping down my cheek at his gasp. "Why didn't you say anything, Mione?" George yanks me into a bone crushing hug and refuses to let me go until Charlie wanders into the kitchen, the eldest of the two brothers now sporting a black eye and a split lip.

"What happened to you?!"


*Time Skip*

After telling his family of my pregnancy, Charlie and I moved to Romania- mainly to escape his mother and her constant attempts at getting the two of us to marry- and we've never been closer than we are now. Two months into living here he and I became an official couple, much to the delight of George who now stopped by weekly to check in on his nephews, that was four months ago. "Charlie!" I squeak as my boyfriend lifts me up and into his arms, sitting the both of us down on the dragon hide couch in our sitting area. "Don't start, Missy, you've got a healer appointment in half an hour and you're supposed to be relaxing today." "I'm eight and a half months pregnant Charlie, not disabled." "You're eight and a half months pregnant with Weasley twins, Granger, Mum popped with George and Fred at seven and a half months." I open my mouth to respond with something of the smart arse nature when suddenly I'm sitting in a puddle of wetness... "Well, I blame you for this, you've jinxed it." I laugh at Charlie's panicked expression.

"Medical tent, Love." I laugh, Charlie picking me up and sprinting towards the Healers tent in record time.

*Time Skip*

After thirty six hours of intense and painful labor Charlie and I welcomed Gideon Fredrick and Fabian George Weasley into the world, much to the delight of Mrs Weasley and the rest of the family, even Bill and Fleur, who'd arrived by Portkey half and hour after I'd gone into labor. "I'm going to get George, he wanted to be the first person in the room after you'd had them." Charlie exists the delivery tent and come back in half a second later with an enthusiastic George hot on his heels. "Where are my favorite Nephews?!" He asks in a half whisper half shout, Charlie already having warned him of how my temper would be if he woke them up. "Come take a look." I whisper, gesturing to the two bundles of tan skin and vibrant red hair resting upon my chest. George runs a finger across Fabians cheek and grins when the baby opens a bright blue eye to look at him. "They look just like Fred..." George whispers, causing Charlie and I to grin. We'd already had that discussion.

*Time Skip*

If you'd have told me two years ago that I'd be getting married to Charlie Weasley on the Dragon reserve in Romania while I trust George Weasley to watch my sons, his godsons, for the next two weeks- I'd have had you admitted to Mungos. Two weeks after I'd given birth to the twins Charlie had asked me to marry him, and I'd happily agreed... a year later and here I am, waiting on Harry to come escort me down the isle to my future Husband. Ginny and her newfound girlfriend Luna Lovegood had gotten me ready for today, while talking about their wedding planning as they did my makeup and hair- I'm to be Ginny's maid of honor! Harry brought his new girlfriend with him, Daphne Greengrass, and she'd taken a quick liking to Gideon and Fabian, despite her claims of not being a children person. "Ready to go Hermione?" Harry's deep voice pulls me from my thoughts and I grin at me Best Friend. "Ready as I'll ever be, Potter." With one last hug Harry leads me down the isle and gives me over to Charlie. We exchange our vows, and then our forever starts with two little words and a song.

"I do."

*Time Skip; Fourteen Years Later*

"Gideon! Fabian! Come here and hug your mother goodbye!" My sons let out identical groans of protest, but comply anyway. "Mum, We're going to be sixth years- please don't give the Slytherins a reason to make fun of us." Gideon groans, adjusting his Gryffindor robes before reaching to straighten his brothers maroon and Gold tie. "I don't care if it's your first year or your seventh, I'm getting my hugs one way or another." I say with a laugh, watching as Fabian rolls his eyes at me. "Now, you two better keep an eye on your little sister this year, you know how Hydra is around new people." Taking a final look at me sons I'm struck by how much they look like Fred. They now stand a foot taller than both Charlie and I, and their eyes are the brightest blue I've ever seen- unlike Charlie's green eyes and my brown ones; the only thing either of my sons took from me is their unruly head full of thick curls. I watch as my boys load the train, then as Charlie helps our little Hydra into a compartment...

My life's turned out much better than I could have ever imagined it.

And it's all thanks to Charlie Weasley.

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