Chapter 44

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When the two walked out side, Dan noticed that Phil had already started taking Dan's stuff out of his car and sat it on the porch.

Phil smiled when he noticed their presence. Dan rolled his eyes, trying not to brake down.

"Hey Bu-" his Son hugged Dan before running past him and to the car. Slamming the door shut in the process. The older sighed.

"Would you like help?" Dan asked staring at the wooden floor of the porch. He heard Phil laugh, "no, do you want me to bring everything in or..?" "I'll get it." Resent and remember.

Hours later Dan is in a store looking for something to numb heart brake.

"Daniel James Howell, never thought I'd run into you after I left." Dan's body froze as soon as the voice hit his ears. Shivers tracked up his spine. He retracted his arm away from the candy he was about to grab before turning around to see a face he hasn't seen in a year.

"Gavin, what a lovely surprise. Can I get a running start at least before you shove my head into a toilet?" The other laughed.

Gavin Jay Spencer captain of the football team is standing in front of me laugh instead of hitting me? did the end of the wold just happen.

Dan watched as Gavin just looked at him without saying a word.

"So, can I run now or..." Dan said unsure of what to do. The other shook his head. Yep, definitely the end of the world. The sun is about to wipe us out anytime now.

Gavin leaned over and looked at what was in Dan's basket. "Why is a boy like you buying shit like that." Dan couldn't help but laugh at that. A boy like me? what's that supposed to mean? The brunette sighed, "my boyfriend and I split." He said without thinking twice about who he was talking to. The older eyes widened.

"You're... gay?" Gavin asked completely shocked. He never thought that Dan was gay. The younger nodded, looking for any sign to run. There wasn't one though, he watched as Gavin smiled.

"Okay, how about we have lunch together tomorrow." Dan just stared at him wide eyed, not really expecting those words to come out of his mouth. His reaction received him a laugh, "and before you ask. Yes, like a date."

Shitfuckcuntwalffle, this can't be happening. I mean a sure he never bullied me due to my sexuality, but this was a shocker.

"I- I c," why can't I? there's nothing stopping me, Dan smiled, "ya know what? I would love to."


I was going to make you wait but I really couldn't wait

Anyway here are some more random facts and shit about me that you didn't ask for yet I'm going to tell you anyway cause I'm lonely. Oh there is a trigger warning on number 32.

21.) when I was younger people used to have to force me to read, this finally changed when I was 14 when I found the books The100 and the Pretty Little Liars series.

22.) I'm deadly scared of needles

23.) I make jokes about my depression on a regular basis

24.) I couldn't tie my shoelaces until I was in 5th grade. Sad, I know.

25.) I've been on crutches over five times

26.) I'm a gamer but I refuse to play Fortnite

27.) my handwriting sucks

28,) I own over 500 colours of eyeshadow yet I only use around 5

29.) I have a weird Obsession  with Dolls

30.) I have this wired ability to tune out my surrounding and only focus on one thing.

31.) I have a habit of making random as fck animal noises randomly

32.) I'm suicidal, I'm only telling you this cause it's not a secret to anyone I know so why keep it a secret to you all

33.) I spent all 3 years of middle school convincing my friends that I'm NOT a cannibal.

I'm going to end here cause I'm tired.

Just Like Sugar // DDLB Phan Smut (completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon