Chapter 9

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  I sat on the floor in front of the fridge staring up at the list that was taped to it. Daddy just got done explaining his rules. "Dan, what are you doing?" I looked over as Daddy kneeled down next to me. "It's a lot of rules." I whsiperd before looking back at the list. He chuckled. "Why don't you go watch cartoons and I will make something for lunch, what do you want?" I smiled. "Pizza?" I asked. He stood up and our out his hand. "Pizza it is, now go sit in the living room. The tv is already on." I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up.

    "Dan! is done, come eat." I quickly climbed off the couch and ran into the kitchen. Daddy quickly scooped me up. "What was the third rule, little one?" I pouted. "No running." I whsipered. He smirked. "Now, sit down and eat." I nodded and walked over to the table. I sat down and took a bit of the pizza. "It's really good Daddy." He smiled and sat down. "Thank you, I usually don't make the food, but my Cook is out of town at the moment." I smiled. "You did good." He laughed. "What do you want something to drink?" He asked wiping his mouth with a napkin before standing up. "Can I have water in a sippy cup, pleace?" He nodded. I watched as he grabbed a sippy cup and filled it with water. He haned it to me and I thanked him. He grabbed himself a soda before sitting down. I looked at him. "Daddy?" He looked at me. "Yeah?" He looked concerned. "How do oo know Rebecca?" I asked hesitantly, I was scared he'd get mad at me for asking. He didn't say anything, just looked at his plate. "Rebecca, w- she used to work for me before I had Andrew take her place. She needed a thing in her recorded to get into some University." I nodded and whispred an "okay" before taking another bite of my pizza. "Why did you want to know?" He questioned. I looked up him timidly. "I was just wondering."  He nodded.

     "Hey, Dan." I heard Phil say. I looked at the doorway in time to see him walk in. "Can you pause this?" I raised an eyebrow. "Why?" I asked. He laughed. "Becaue we are going to go shoping then out to dinner." I nodded before pausing it. I stood up and he grabbed my hand. He pulled me all the way to his car.

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