chapter 3

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  "Dan." I opened my eyes. Chris was standing in front of my with a glass of orange juice. I sat up and gladly excepted it. "Thank you." I whispered before taking a sip. "You're welcome, now go sit at the table I made breakfast." I stood up and walked to the table. PJ was sitting there with his head in his hands, he then looked at me. "Dan! about time you got up!" I smiled at him. I sat down and Chris sat a plate in front of me. "Thank you." He gave me a smile. "Eat up, we have to go grocery shopping." I nodded. PJ looked at me. "Did you get any messages?" I sighed. "Yeah I did actually." He and Chris smiled. "Did you two hit it off?" He asked. I shrugged. "He wants to go out to dinner tonight." I whispered. PJ squealed. "That's great!" I laughed. "He could be a murderer." I pointed out. He rolled his eyes.

  Chris, PJ and I walked into the store. PJ was bouncing around. Chris gave him a sturn look. "If you do not behave you will not be getting any snacks, got me?" PJ nodded before climbing into the cart. Chris rolled his eyes before he started moving. "What kind of crisps do you want?" He asked. I shrugged. He went to reach for a bag but stopped once he saw that someone else was reaching for the bag. "Chris, long time no see." Chris looked at the man and smiled, PJ had his nose to deep in Chris' phone to notice the man. "Phil! Haven't seen you in what, five years. How old are you now?" The man laughed. It couldn't be, was it the same Phil. "I'm twenty-eight now. What about you?" Chris laughed. "Twenty-one. How's life been treating you?" The man laughed. "It been good I guess. I see you're still with PJ," he looked at me, "and who is this?" I looked away from the man's eyes. "This is Dan, he is staying with me. So what is the Phil Lester doing back in town, last I heard you were in California on a business trip." It was him. "Well I came back because my mom wanted to see me. I'm staying becaue I have a date to night," Phil said, "I met him on that app you two used to use." That caught PJ's attention. "Wait, dan, didn't you say you met someone on the app last night?" I looked at the floor before nodding. "What is your user name?" Phil asked. I opened my mouth to answer but PJ cut me off. "Highlight, there is also a sun emoji." He said. Phil smiled. "I should of known that PJ came up with it." Phil said causing Chris to laugh. "Dan, would you like to do lunch instead of dinner?" Phil asked catching me off guard. I looked at him like a deer caught in headlights. "He would love to." Chris and PJ said at the same time. Phil smiled. "Come on then, I know just the place." He put his hand out for me to take it. I slipped my hand into his we started walking. "I'll bring him back later." Chris nodded. Phil lead me outside. "You seem really shy." He pointed out. I nodded. "I am." I whispered. We got to his car and he opened the door for me. I whispered a thank you before getting in. He shut the door before walking over to the driver side and slipping in. "Where are we going?" I asked. He only smiled. "You will see." He answered before pulling out of the parking lot.

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