Chapter 45

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Dan woke up to his phone receiving a message. He yawned as he stretched before he grabbed his phone.

Gavin: Hey, I'm just making sure you are still up for lunch.

Dan: of course, what time would you like to meet up and where?

Gavin: great! how about I stop by your house and we can walk there together?

Dan smiled.

Dan: sounds good

Gavin: Okay, I'll see you later

Dan tossed his phone before rolling onto his back. Resent and remember.

Dan sat on his porch waiting for Gavin. He couldn't get the thought that he was cheating some how out of his head. Phil and I are done. Dan her that through you're fucking head. He frowned slightly, what if I don't want to be done? Fuck you're such a dumb ass.

"Who's a dumb ass?" Dan jumped bring his gaze up from his hands in the process. Meeting the others green ones. "No one-" Dan said slowly causing both boys to laugh.

Gavin nodded smiling at him, "Are you ready?"

The two walked side by side, talking about random stuff that came to mind.

"So you're telling me you're taking English so you can become a teacher? What happened to football?" Dan asked watching were he walked. The blonde laughed, "Yes that's exactly what I'm telling you, and about football... I ended up fucking my knee up. So now I can't play." Dan looked at him.

"Wow, so you can't play at all? Like not even in the future?" Gavin shook his head.

"It's fine though, I like the thought of becoming a teacher- we're here." He led Dan to the door and held it for him. "Thank you."

They walked over to a table and before Dan could sit someone grabbed his arm. He turned and looked at the person shocked. Gavin stood up, "dude, let him go."

He didn't though, "Dan please,"

"You know this man?" Gavin asked looking at Dan who looked at him with sympathy, "Yeah, can you excuse me real quick?" Once he saw the other nod he let the other drag him away.

"Who is he?" Dan glared at him.

"What do you want Phil?"

He sighed, "Dan, I know what I did hurt you in many different ways, and I know that I can't say I'm sorry enough times to repair that- but I love you. I can't picture anyone else being my Little, I can only see you. Sugar, I'm so sorry that I let my anger and jealously take control. I should of let you explain instead of- instead of doing things with out your consent." He took a deep breath, tying not to start crying, "I should of listened to you when you said you're safe word. I'm so sorry for what I did, I'm not asking you to jump right back in where we left off before everything happened. I'm asking you to come back because I love you and I hate not having you at home."

Dan just looked at him tears falling by themselves, "Phil, I l-"


The End

Keep going

Just Like Sugar // DDLB Phan Smut (completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن