Chapter 1

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  I opened my eyes to the light shining through my window. "Dan!" I sighed as I looked at my door. "Yeah?" I yelled back. My door opened and my dad walked in. "Happy 18th birthday bud." He said. I nodded. "Thanks, is mom home?" I asked. He nodded. "Can I talk to you two in the kitchen?" I asked. He tilted his head. "Yeah, get dress. Your mother and I will be in the kitchen." I nodded. He walked out shutting the door behind him. I sat up and sighted. "You can do this." I whispered to my self. I stood up and threw a shirt on. I looked around my bedroom before walking out of my room. I ran down the stairs into the kitchen. My mom and dad were at the table. I sat down. My mom looked like she was going to cry. "Honey, please tell me your not moving out. You are not old enough to be on your own." She said sadly. "I... I have something to tell you." I said. "Please trill me you didn't get a girl pregnant." My dad said chuckling. "No, I'm gay." I whispered. "Bud, you have to speak up." I started to tear up. "What's wrong." I sighed letting the tears fall. "I'm gay." I said clearly. My dad stood up.  "I want you to get your things and get out." I looked at my mom, who was sobing. "Now!" I got up and ran to my room. I grab my bookbag that already has clothes in it. I then grabbed my phone charger, wallet, headphones and phone. I then ran back down stairs. My dad was in front of my door. "You can come back when you get over this." I nodded. He moved out of the was and let me out the door.

  I walked up into the porch and knocked onto the door. It opened. "Dan, what are you doing here so early?" PJ asked. "My parents kicked me out. I came out to them." I said. PJ's face softened. "Come on in. I will go wake up Chris. Fucker has been sleeping since noon yesterday. I laughed. PJ is nineteen and Chris is twenty-one, they been dateing since they were in middle school. I sat down on the couch. I chuckled when I heard something hit the floor. PJ walked in laughing. "Give him a few, he just fell off the bed." I laughed. PJ walked into the kitchen. The living room and kitchen were joined together, the only this separating them was a counter. "Do you want coffee?" PJ asked as he turned to look at me. "Sure." I said. He nodded before turning back around. "PJ, my ass hurts." Chris said walking into the room. He then looked at me. "Oh hey, happy birthday, kid." He said before sitting down. "Hi." He looked at me. "What's wrong?" He put a arm around me. "I came out to my parents today. They kicked me out." Chris frowned. "You can stay with us." He said. I shook my head. "I can't do that to you. I have no way to pay you because I don't have a job due to the fact I just finished high school." I said. PJ sat my coffee down in front of me. "Get a sugar daddy." Chris and I both looked at PJ. "Excuse me?" I asked. He laughed. "Oh come on, you get money, a place to live, and you can finally loose your v-card." I shook my head. "I'm sorry, but I do not want to be used as a sex toy." I said. They laughed. "At least try it, give me your phone." I handed my phone to PJ. "How do you know about this stuff?" I asked. They looked at each other. Then it clicked. "Is that how you met?" I asked. Chris nodded. "Here, you go." PJ handed me back my phone. "Why the hall is my user name highlight?" I asked. He shrugged. I sighed. "And by the way dan, being a sex toy isn't that bad." PJ said. "Eww!" I yelled causing them to laugh. "I hate you both."

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