Chapter 4

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  Phil held my hand as he lead me into a fancy restaurant. "How can I help you?" A man at the front desk asked not looking up from his papers. "Reservation under Phil Lester." The man's head snapped up. "Oh, I'm so sorry sir. Follow me." The man said before leading us to a table. Phil and I took our seats. "May I get you to something to drink?" Phil looked at me. "We will both have water." The man nodded before walking away. "So tell me about yourself." Phil said. I looked at him. "There is not really much to tell." He smiled. "Okay, whats your favorite color?" I laughed. "Pink." I whispered. "Nice, favorite song?" Phil asked smirking. "Butterflies and hurricanes by Muse." I said. He looked slightly surprised. "Mines uprising." He whispered. I looked at him wide-eyed. "You like Muse too?" I asked him. He laughed. "Yeah, I have to say they are my favorite band." I smiled widely. "Here are your drinks," he put the two glasses down, "What would you like to eat?" Phil looked up at the man. "I will have my regular, and he will have the cheese pasta." He said politely. The man simply nodded before walking away. "Thank you." I whispered. "For what, sweetheart?" He asked kindly. I blushed at the name. "For ordering for me." He smiled. "Its not a problem." I smiled. "So, how do you know Chris and PJ?" I asked. "I used to help babysit PJ, and I used to like next to Chris." I nodded. "Are you a little?" He asked staring at me. I looked down to the table. "Yeah." I whispered. "Here is you food. I will be back soon to see how it went."

   "Thank you for lunch." I said once we got into his car. "No problem, love. I know that I told Chris I'd bring you back after, but would you like to watch a movie at my house?" He asked. I looked at him. "Yeah, sure." He smiled widely.

Just Like Sugar // DDLB Phan Smut (completed)Where stories live. Discover now