Chapter 39

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Before Phil could get far Dan called his name. When he turned around Dan ran into him. Immediately wrapping his arms around Phil, "please don't leave me. I'm sorry that I wandered off, and I'm sorry I was talking to that guy" "Dan" "I didn't even realize he was flirting with me, I-" "Daniel, stop." Dan closed his mouth. Looking at Phil with absolute fear in his eyes.

"You, in any means, shouldn't be apologizing. I should. How I reacted wasn't necessary, and I know it will take a lot of time to fix it. I shouldn't of done what I did, I took my position and abused it." He told Dan truthfully, and the younger knew that. He could tell that Phil was being honest. He also knew that he couldn't just forgive and forget. He nodded, "it will take a lot to fix." Phil sighed.

"So, now, how 'bout we go get Mikey and get some food?" Dan smiled slightly and nodded.

When they got back to the park the saw Mikey playing with Sofia and Tyler. The two smiled slightly.

"Look who's back, how was your walk?" Kaitlin asked with a smirk, as if it say 'I know what you two are up two'. Dan flipped her off receiving a glare from Phil. Dan smiled awkwardly at him as he put his hand down. Kate started laughing. Dan rolled his eyes.

"That's enough you two," David said trying not to laugh himself, "why don't you boys sit down." Dan and Phil looked at each other before doing so.

"Did Amber really take you're son away from you because you're gay?" Susan asked with her eyebrows frowned. Phil shifted a little, "Yeah, I just got him back not to long." She shook her head.

"I can't believe she had a kid, she never told me. Her father never said anything either. Would he ever be able to visit in the future, I just want to make up for the time that I missed." Phil smiled widely.

"Of course, he is your grandson. It would make me an asshole if I kept him away." She chuckled as she nodded.

"Dad?" Mikey said setting down his drink.

Shortly after they got back to the park they left to get something to eat.

Phil looked away from Dan, "Yes?" Mikey looked between the two. "Is Dan coming back home?" He questioned with his eyebrows scrunched together. His father frowned as he looked down at the table. Dan shifted uncomfortably next to him, so now there was even more space between the two. He then got up and walked to the bathroom. This can't be good, Michael thought to himself. He went to speak again but Phil beat him to it, "Mikes, I told you that Dan doesn't want to be near me. Our house isn't his home anymore," Phil told him. He felt that broken feeling again, he knew if he had another chance that it would be forever until Dan would want to stay in that house.

"What did you do?"

"I hurt him when I told him I'd never hurt him." Phil told him with slight hesitation. He watched as anger came across the youngers face.

"How can you hurt someone you love? You're just as bad as mom." Michael said as he stood up before running to the bathrooms.

Phil's heart shattered, now two people he loves thought he was a monster.

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