Chapter 42

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The vibration of Dan's phone woke him up from his nap. His Mom offered to look after Mikey so he could lay down.

He reached under his pillow and saw a message from Phil.

Dick Head: Hey, how is everything.

Dick Head: Or don't answer

That's fine

Dick Head: Okay, At least tell me when I can pick him up and drop your stuff off, sugar.

Dan rolled his eyes before just starring at the messages. How do I respond to him. Come on Dan think. He groaned before shoving his head into the pillow. "I hate you."

"Hate who?" Dan jumped and brought his head up to see the kid standing next to the bed. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." The older sighed and shoved his head back into the pillow.

He felt Michael climb onto the bed. Who then poked him, "who do you hate?" He repeated.

"You're Father." Dan said bluntly. Not bothering to sugar coat anything. Mikey chuckled.

"I do to." Dan looked at him.

"Don't say that. He's you're blood and you do not say stuff like that, especially since he's you're Dad... the only one you will get, may I add." He watched as he looked at his lap and whispered a sorry.

A few minutes of silence went by before Mikey spoke again, "Are you related to me? cause you're my moms brother." Dan stopped scrolling through some random app on his phone and looked at the other. Shit, it didn't really sink in until now. Michael was my nephew.

"Yeah, yeah I am." Mikey smiles widely. "I'm glad." Dan chuckled.

Another nap and a bathroom brake later they were sat at the table eating in Hell.

"So Dan, when do you have to return my son to you're boyfriend?" Amber asked staring daggers at her brother. Dan gripped his glass tightly.

His Mom forgave her daughter cause she didn't want to lose her again. Where Dan wished he could snap her away forever. He was pretty sure Mikey wanted to also.

"I'm staying with Dan until Dad stops acting like you." Dan started choking on his water. He sat the glass down then grabbed a napkin to wipe himself off as he looked at the shocked expression on the Hell spawns face. Everyone was shocked that he said that.

"Far enough." Kaitlin said trying not to pull the same reaction her brother did. Amber glared at the younger female before turning back to her Son.

"And tell me, how is he acting like me?" Everyone looked at the seven year old. Who was giving his Mother the evil eye. "He's being a c-" Dan quickly covered his mouth.

"Okay that's enough. As much as I would love for you to say it- but," he looked at his sister, "he's being a cunt like my lovely fucking sister." He said straight faced. Mikey and the there other kids started laughing.

Amber stood up, in what Dan would describe as "in a bitchy way", before looking at their Mother.

"Are you seriously going to let him call me that! I deserve some respect from a no good, useless, f@g!" Dan's father stood up, where as Dan sunk into his seat. Scared that she'd hit him again.

"You will not speak like that to my Son ever. You're only here cause she wanted you to be, and I- I can change that within seconds. So, I suggest you shut the hell up." David said in a surprisingly calm.

After the commotion at dinner the two boys went back up to Dan's room. Dan yawned, "come on, get in bed."

He waited for him to get comfortable before coving him with the blanket. "Goodnight, Mikey." He said before walking to the door.

"No! can you stay with me again?" Dan smiled as he turned around. He walked over and climbed in behind him, only to have Mikey turn and snuggle into his side.

"I love you, Dan."

The olders heart stopped as he looked at the boy. "Who's eyes were closed.

"I love you to, Kid."


Sigh, so I am so dumb... so, the chapter before last I just realized that Michael's name is Phil's middle name.

I honestly didn't realize until that chapter.

Anyway, here are some facts or just some random shit about me cause why not and I have nothing better to do then share random shit with who ever reads what's in the bold.

1.) I have selective mutism

2.) I have a mild stutter. By that I mean I stutter when nervous or when reading out loud. There are sometimes were I'll stutter when talking to someone I know also.

3.) I have four younger brothers

4.) I was bullied in school, a lot. Enough to the point I was home schooled for a year in 7th grade.

5.) I can't remember if I mentioned this before but I'm a high school drop out cause of said bullying.

6.) I constantly have a migraine. There is not a day that I don't have one.

7.) I spend most of my days sitting in a dark room listening to music.

8.) I can draw, well sorta (image below)

) I can draw, well sorta (image below)

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

9.) I can play 6 instruments.

10.) I'm allergic to chocolate and red food dye.

That's all I'm willing to write at the moment cause my wrists are on fire.

Just Like Sugar // DDLB Phan Smut (completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz