Chapter 37

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   The past fifteen days have been hell for Dan. He spends most days sleeping or crying in the shower, his family constantly asks him about Phil. Which he just makes up some excuse about how he wanted to spend time with family.

His phone was dead, but he wanted it that way. It kept him from seeing anything that had to do with Phil. Who hasn't shown up at Dan's parents house. Dan was very happy about that.

  Today, the family was sat in a park. They forced Dan to tag along. Much to his wishes. He rather be in bed then have to listen to Amber talk about visiting her father for the first time in forever.

"Dan, can you draw the eyes for me?" Sofia asked sliding her drawing book over to Dan who opened his eyes at the sound of his name.

  His family did want to say it out loud, but Dan didn't look good. The past two weeks they saw a dramatic change in him.

  Dan took the pen from his younger sister before he started drawing. Sofia watched in awe as he did so.

   "How come you stopped drawing?" Amber spoke up leaning over to watch. Dan huffed but didn't speak. It wasn't the first time he didn't reply to her, he tried to pretend she wasn't there most of the time.

   Once he was done he slid it back to Sofia. She smiled as him widely, "thank you, Dan." He nodded, muttering "you're welcome" before he closed his eyes again.

"Bree?" Dan looked up at the face he hasn't seen nor was he planning to see to soon.

"Phil?" "Phil, wh- wait "Bree"?"

  The sibling looked at each other. "How do you know him?" Amber asked wide-eyed. Shocked as to how her little brother new her ex-lovers name.

   He looked over at Phil who was looking at him. Guilt plastered all over his face. "I a-" "Dan!"

  Michael yelled running over to said boy and hugging him. The older was generally shocked by this action. When they pulled away Dan watched as Mikey's eyes went wide.

"Mom?" Dan's family was shocked by this.

  Amber smiled as she opened her arms. The boy hide into Dan's chest, she frowned and looked at Phil. "How do you to know each other?" She asked again but this time in a angry tone.

   "He's dating you're brother." Susan said smiling at Phil sweetly. Amber stood up and looked between the separated couple. "Dating? he's teen years younger then you. It's just wrong," she turned to Dan, "and you. Didn't you learn anything from going to church? You're sinning, I-" "Amber BreeLynn Carmichael! don't talk to your brother like that!" Their mother said shaking her head.

  Phil scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. "You never told me your names Amber, you said it was Bree." She rolled her eyes, "My dad calls me that, so I guess that's what most people that talk to him think it is. I'm going back to the house, I can't stand here and watch you two."

Dan rolled his eyes and Michael climbed off of him. They all sat in silence. The twos eyes were locked onto each other's.

"Phil, why don't you two join us?" David questioned braking the silence and causing Phil to look away.

Before he could reply, Dan stood up and ran way.



   Okay, so I think there was two people that commented their theories about who Amber (Bree) was going to be Michaels mom. Good job! It was so hard to not say anything.

Anyway, two thing before I go.

One; you know when you think of doing something and so you do... and you regret it right away? Well I did....

  I had a box of dark blue hair die in my desk drawer... and I was doing my eyebrows; by this I mean I was trimming them and darkening them cause I have blonde hairs that don't look good. But long story short, I DYED MY FCKING EYEBROWS! 😂😂😂😂 you have no idea how much I hate myself right now, and I have to go out in public tomorrow(well later)! Here is a photo just for your amusement

 But long story short, I DYED MY FCKING EYEBROWS! 😂😂😂😂 you have no idea how much I hate myself right now, and I have to go out in public tomorrow(well later)! Here is a photo just for your amusement

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

For some reason it looks purple and lighter then it is.

Two; Piercing Update cause why not

  It's been a little over six weeks since I've had them done, and so far the swelling in the left ear is completely gone and it doesn't hurt or anything anymore. Now the right one, that's a different story; if you can't remember this is the one that we did 4 times before we succeeded.

  It's still swelled, there's no pain, unless I touch it a certain way. This is more my fault then anything cause the other day I kinda got my hair tie caught in it without knowing and I yanked it hard cause the thing to almost come out.

The other  night I woke up and when I do that I usually check to see if they are still there cause I've had one that came undone in my sleep. Anyway, when I touched the right one only the front was there. Then I noticed that the fcking back as in my ear! and let me tell you it hurt like hell to push it back in place.

  So, I think that the right one is not healed fully.

  I hope you liked this chapter, I was going to wait longer to publish it but I wanted to tell you about my dumb ass mistake... but I left it on a cliffhanger cause I know how much you all love them 😂

Goodbye now ✌🏻

Just Like Sugar // DDLB Phan Smut (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora