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A minute or two passes by and no sound of them were coming. My eyes cross for no reason. The trees rustle and the wind blew gently making my clothes wiggle. Suddenly, I heard zipping sounds from the zipline station behind me.

"Is it them?" Ashleen excitedly asked.

Then, a voice far away yelled, "Grif! We're coming!"

Ashleen picked me up and carried me back to the station. My mind automatically went to static mode. She then placed me on a wooden bench where I plopped down face up. I turned my head to see Ashleen meeting the others and telling them i need immediate care. I saw Wolf holding a glass object with a glowing liquid.

"W-what's that?" I asked shakily.

"Don't worry, this little healing action improve your symptoms drastically." he said in a calming tone.

My eyes slowly opened up and woke up feeling refreshed. I wiggled my arms and legs and they moved freely and smoothly.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Looks like the treatment worked successfully!" Symptoms improved and your body is now in a normal state." Wolf explained.

I sat myself on the bench and my whole body is back in normal conditions. No more minor and major injuries.

"Just so I know you ain't faking your recovery, move your limbs. Any of them." Katri scoffed.

"Uh, okay. Didn't you see I freely moved my arms and legs like two minu-"

"Also, look off to those green things from afar."

"Aren't you being too...being in disbelief?" Ashleen calmly asked.

"Psh, disbelief? I ain't stupid 'til I get proof."

"Oh my god Kat! Don't turn this again to another argument, please!" Ashleen groaned.

After I was bored and tuning out Katri's argument with Ashleen, getting pettier as it goes longer, they eventually cooled down and their red puffy faces became calm. I then gave in to Kat's demands. I shook my legs, arms, and other body parts she needs to see until she's convinced.

"To be honest, you're like those entitled kids who demand something utterly specific." Ashleen said in an annoying voice.

"Yeah, since when?" Katri scoffed.

"Remember the jewelry store specifically for literally anyone?"

"Uh, yeah."

"We tried to enter and the guards restricted us because 'common' people like you cause trouble. Kat went hysterical after he said that statement cussing at him every second I stood there witnessing it all."

"So, you both got restricted access to a store full of luxurious goods due to your 'class'?" Wolf clarified.

"Yeah, it wasn't fair and that 'class' statement made me feel attacked." Ashleen said disappointingly.

"Wow, I never knew you experienced someone horrible like that. I didn't think that the word we use sometimes could mean something offensive." I said in a concerning tone.

Silence built up through the area and our group. I scooted forward towards Ashleen who's tearing up from the memory she told us.

"Was this the first time it happened?" I asked.

"Yes. It's very hurtful. And, sidenote, the guard became very inappropriate afterwards with rude remarks such as 'your shouting turns me on' and 'wanna hang with me, got a lot of stuff to show you' speaking in a pervy voice nd attempting to strip in front of us." Ashleen said in in a shaky voice while more tears rolled down her cheeks.

I handed her a handkerchief from my pocket.

"That's a pretty horrible thing to experience and if you ever need to let it out positive or negative, I'm always here for you." I sympathized.

"Thank you." she whispered.

Ashleen then gave me a big hug and went for it to comfort her.

"Thank you for sharing this past memory and your thoughts on it. All of us are here to support and push to be your best. Literally anyone in our group can help you comfort you in any situation." Wolf said in a reassuring tone.

All of us stood up quietly and I'm still reflecting on the memory discussed. It made me feel sick and disgusted when I thought about it.

'Kat may sound so entitled, but she had a point picking out inappropriate behavior of certain men like them.' I thought.

Alpha: Book One of The Alpha Trilogy ✔️Where stories live. Discover now