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I scanned the card and the whole room turned on. The computers beeped, beeped, beeped.

"Okay, where's that damn computer?" Ashleen asked.

"Shh, we don't want those sensitive guards to hear us."

we crouched down hiding under the big tables as we gone to silence. We can hear our breaths with a bit of paranoia in me. I grabbed her hand and bolted to the main computer.

"Do you have any instructions or something?"

"Yeah, I do, it's in my phone."

I pulled up the instructions that he sent me through email.

"Ashleen, watch out for guards while I do the dirty work."

"Got it."

I turned on the computer showing a request to enter an ID. I punched it in and accepted me to a plethora of systems. After a couple of failed and confused clicking, all the computers broke down with irreversible damage. Then, I heard quiet footsteps getting louder and a sudden burst opened the doors. Was it the guards? A bomb?

"Grif, we have to go now!" Ashleen urged.

"What's happening?"

Bang, bang, bang.

"Oh god."

She grabbed my arm as we ran out the security center. Sparks flew out the computers and its systems malfunction horribly. Bolting down to the exit we dodged bullets left and right going in a zigzag pattern. Our stamina feels like it's dropping drastically. We arrived to the exit and tried to push or jiggle the lock as hard as possible.

"Great, it's locked. We're definitely dead and our families gonna mourn us."

Ashleen breathed heavily and sweated quickly. Attempting to comfort her I said, "Look at me. Okay, stop. Breathe in and out. You're here with me, we're both gonna be alive. Just breathe deeply and slowly. Don't worry, we ain't dying here."

Her breathing slowed down to a normal pace and the sweating stopped.

"You okay now?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for helping me."

I heard more distant bangs of gunshots.

"What are we gonna do?" she asked frantically.

Alpha: Book One of The Alpha Trilogy ✔️Where stories live. Discover now