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Ashleen carried me out of the rubble safe and sound. The crickets chirped in every direction. My breath was a bit unstable and my eyes twitched rapidly.

"Are you okay?" she asks.

"Y-yeah. I'm o-okay." I replied in a shaky voice.

5 minutes of trekking through the community later we arrive to the edge. The very edge.

"Huh, viewing the edge from this angle is very nice." she said.

"Hello, I'm Sara, your virtual holographic assistant! How may I help you?" the woman said in a cheery manner.

"Oh, um, what's this?" Ashleen asks.

"It's a zipline and it's the only method of transport. Plus, only me and control it." Sara answered.

"Interesting. Can it hold 2 people?" she asks.

"Ideally it can hold one person and two people can be done if one person holds you. It's optional."

"Well, guess I'll hold Grif then."

"That's great, just hold either hand on the handle and hold the torso with your arms tightly near the waist for support."

I felt my body dangling and wiggling all over the place. My eyes couldn't process what's happening in time.

"Do you activate this? Or a countdown to glide?"

"Whenever you're ready jump off the edge and it's goodbye Alpha!" Sara said cheerily.

"Alright here goes nothing. Grif, you ready?"

"Y-y-yeah." I replied shakily.

Then, the drop came. The breeze blew in all directions and I felt alive and comforted. I heard the soft chuckles of her laugh and smiled at the sight of it. My eyes opened slowly and was astonished at the sights losing the view of Alpha. Then we slowed down and arrived at an unknown location.

"I guess we're here, at a place I don't recognize."

I was dropped to a hard surface. My hand felt something rough, bumpy, and dirty. My eyes darted to some trees and saw Ashleen hopping off the zipline.

Alpha: Book One of The Alpha Trilogy ✔️Where stories live. Discover now