Denmark x Reader; Choices Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

"My names Greenland, and it's nice to meet you Mr. Norway. Oh, and this is my caribou Yotimo!" You said, then gave the brightest smile you could give. After your introduction, Norway told you about his supposedly annoying neighbors. He said he was part of Scandinavia, and that his brothers were his biggest problem. He mostly talked about someone named Denmark; and how annoying he was. You asked him about his other neighbors, so he told you about Sweden, Finland, and Iceland, but only for a short time. He told you tales and stories, about trolls and other magical creatures. Threw the years you allowed Norway to come and go as he pleased, but you had made a terrible mistake. You were still a young, little country; what were you supposed to expect? After time, the stories had recited, and Norge settlement were being built quickly. You were settled in a little cobble house, and you were packing up your belonging. Why? Because Norway was conquering your home land! As you finished packing up your things, you heard footsteps coming toward your door. In a panic, you jumped through the small window, and ran as fast as you could, until you ran into Norway. He picked you up off the ground by your eskimo dress, as you continued to struggle like the small child you were. Giving you a little glare, you stopped struggling and was put back down on your feet.

"You are my territory now Greenland, and there is nothing you can do about it. You will become my wife, at the right age of course." He said, as he dragged your hand toward the thing he called a ship.

"But, I don't want to live with you! I want to live free, like I once lived! Please, let me go!!" No reply, to your plea. Before you knew it, you and Yotimo were sailing away from your home land, to Norway's.


Time Skip; 1261 AD - 1500 AD


Once you made it to Norway, your once large sense of pride was gone to the ashes. Norway didn't look much different from your home, but you had many memories back there; which is not the same for here. Norway brought you to his home, and told you to wash up and get into new clothes, because some of the other Scandinavians were coming for dinner. You agreed, and did what he said. You waited for hours for his return. After a good 5 hours, Norway came back with two other men. One had wild blond hair, and drooping blue eyes, while the other had almost white hair and blue eyes.

"This is Greenland. She's the little country I wrote about." Norway said, to the crazy haired blond. The mysterious man walked up to you and bent down to your level.

"Does Norway scare you Greenland? I'm Denmark and it's nice to meet you." Denmark said kindly, as you blushed and hid behind Yotimo. Denmark giggled and looked back at Norway. "She's a little shy; isn't she?"

"Yes." Norway simple replied.

"Norway? How much did you scare the poor thing? She's terrified!" Denmark yelled at his neighbor, as Norway just shrugged. Both started to argue, as the other country walked up to you. He stared down on you like a angry mother, to her child. Being as emotional as you were, you tried to hide back your already noticeable tears. He blushed a little, then started to scratch his neck.

"My name's Iceland; so you're Greenland huh?" Iceland asked you, trying to hide his already existing blush. You nodded slowly, but continued to stare at Iceland. Through many years, you met all the Scandinavian countries and became good friends with them all, but some wanted more then your friendship. Denmark, Norway, and Iceland all flirted with you. It even got to the point, when Iceland and Norway would fight over your 'territory.' Denmark would secretly flirt with you, when the other two were arguing. At some point, Iceland never visited again and Norway allowed you permission to go back home, as long as you would visit once every two months. When you and Yotimo stepped foot off the ship, you started to run free, like you once did.

In 1500, you were a little older; You looked around Iceland's age. Yotimo grew up with you as well! As you rode with Yotimo, down by the shoreline, you saw a strange looking ship. Watching the ship get closure and closure, you knew it was not a Danish or Norge looking ship. When people came to shore, you saw a man, with shoulder length brown hair, tied in a ponytail, and dropping green eyes. As you encountered him, he took notice and started to walk over to you as well.

"I'm sorry sir, but I am under the rule of the Kingdom of Norway, so this territory is taken." You professionally told the newfound intruder.

"Oh, I am not here for territory. You are Greenland, no? My name is Portugal, and I would like to find a way to Asia." He informed you, with hints of apology.

"There is nothing like that here, but you can stay for as long as you want Mr. Portugal. I trust you will not do anything to upset Mr. Norway, or myself." You said, with a huge grin. Portugal sighed and thanked you for your kindness. He didn't find away to get to 'Asia', but he became really good friends with you. He gave you a map of the land you have been standing on for hundreds of years. You thanked him for his troubles, and soon he left you alone.

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