F O R T Y - E I G H T

Start from the beginning

"And you say you're an old friend?" Freya asks obviously referring to the prophecy.

"Well that kinda depends on your definition." Stefan asked, as he remembered the hours he spent plotting against Klaus and Mia to save Elena.

"Whatever you need." Mia said happily, she was welcoming a new face that didn't want to kill her family with open arms.

Elijah looked over at Klaus, who had jealousy written all over his face. Elijah turned to look out the window, finding it calming as he looked at the mortal beings living their lives.

There was something different, in the way he looked at Mia. Ever since her, episode, he was beginning to feel something other. Something he was suppressing with everything he's got.

All his life he fought for his brothers redemption, and wanted only what was best for him. But how could he still want that when he is starting to feel something for her.

"El." Mia pulled him back from his thoughts, "Niklaus needs you downstairs." Mia said tilting her head to the side.

"Are you alright?" She asked, her voice soft and soothing.

Elijah nodded before fixing his suit and walking away. "I wish they were this quiet and calm when they were in Mysitc Falls." Stefan mumbled once he knew the Original was out of earshot.

Mia gave Stefan a sad smile, "There's a lot going on right now everyone is just trying to get past this." She said coming to her family's defense before clapping her hands.

"So what do you need our help with?"

Mia and Stefan are in the upstairs living room, where Mia was unbuttoning Stefan's shirt to examine his X-shaped wound from Rayna's sword. After an awkward silence, Stefan speaks up, "So you're a witch now."

Mia smiled, "Yeah, and werewolf." Mia said still not believing she was a tribrid. "It's incredible what your loved ones will do for you." Mia said softly, accidentally brushing her finger tips on his abs.

Mia quickly backed away, as Stefan chuckled. "So...so let me get this straight. Reyna Cruz, a mystical vampire huntress stabbed little ol' you with her magic sword." Mia teased trying to ease the tension.

She knew all to well what Rayna could do.

"Nik killed her..." Mia said turning around to get more herbs to put into a small bowl.

"But surprise, surprise..." she said looking st him as he finished her sentence. "She regenerates."

Mia sighed dramatically, "And she won't rest until you are dead."

"Right. So, no matter how far I run, this wound acts as a beacon, drawing her to me. So, I guess you could say it's been a bit of a rough week." Stefan chuckles nervously as Mia begins to rub an herbal paste over the still-bleeding X-shaped cut with an equally nervous smile.

"Well, I can't cure the wound, but this paste will mask its signal. Just let that dry, and you'll be on your merry way." Mia said packing some up for him to take on the road.

Stefan frowns in confusion, "You know, not that I was expecting a, uh, parade or anything, but why is everyone so eager for me to go?"

Mia gave him a sad smiled, "Like I said, things are rough here."

Elijah and Klaus were currently in the courtyard, discussing the arrival of Stefan Salvatore.

"Stefan Salvatore is not the problem. But, if you are so determined to find foe amongst friends, then look no further than Marcel. After all, did he not steal Jackson's heart and deliver it to the very people bent on harming us?"

Mia - k. mikaelson |completed| Where stories live. Discover now