Chapter 23

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2 weeks later...

Blair's hand is sweating when I grab it and I can see that her breathing is more shallow, I smile at her. "You don't need to be scared, my mum will love you I swear." I say but I know there's not much that can convince her because I was in this same position last week. "Uh huh." Blair says, looking at the door intently as we walk towards it. She let's go of my hand as I open the door, I turn around and look at her, she smiles nervously and I grab her hand again to reassure her that she'll be okay. "Mum, I'm here with Blair." Blair takes a deep breath as we wait for my mum to come through from the kitchen.

She walks out with a warm smile on her face and gives me a hug, "Hi. And hello Blair." She says and holds her arms out for a hug. "Hi Miss Collins." She says with a smile and my mum smiles at her before wrapping her arms around her. "Goodness you look terrified." She says as she gestured for us to sit down at the table. Blair laughs and sits next to me. "Sorry I guess I just want to make a good impression." She says and my mum brings over a fresh macaroni cheese that she made. "Nonsense. Anyone that's managed to get this guy to become their boyfriend has to be worth it." She says and looks at me, I blush and look down with a smile. "Shut up." I say jokingly and she begins to serve. "Wow this looks so good." Blair says and I put my hand on her thigh, trying to get her to calm down, and she does relax a bit more as she begins to eat.

"So how did you guys meet? Was it at the housewarming?" My mum asks us and I look at Blair with a smile on my face, embarrassed. "She spilt my drink on me at a party." I say and she glares at me. "Eh no. I accidentally knocked your arm and —"
"Spilt my drink on me." I say and she frowns and eats some more food. "He probably deserved it." My mum says and Blair laughs and nods. "He definitely did. Anyway you spilt your drink on me as well." She says and my mum hits my arm. "Hunter." She scolds me and Blair smiles at her food. "Maybe you shouldn't be so short then." I tease and Blair rolls her eyes at me. "After he spilt the drink he uh —"
"Ran away and vomited because I was really drunk." I finish for her and my mum clicks her tongue at me. "He definitely deserved it then." She says with a smile to Blair who smiles back.

"After that she tried to help me and was being nice and got me water and stuff and I was basically being a dick back to her and she was already having a bad night that I basically made way worse." My mum widens her eyes at me and gives me a disapproving look. "And then did she throw another drink at you? Because I would've." My mum says, making Blair snort, I shake my head. "No I apologised like a good boy and we spoke for most of the night, basically." I say and smile at Blair who smiles back, both of us knowing the detail I conveniently left out I notice my mum looking at us with a weird smile on her face. After another few minutes I start to need to toilet so I stand up and excuse myself.


When Hunter leaves I'm nervous again, now there's nothing between his mum and I and it's terrifying, I eat some food. "Sorry about him, stubborn one he is. He mostly gets it from me I think." She says with a smile and I smile back, shrugging my shoulders. "There are worse traits to have." I say and have some more food. She smiles at me weirdly, she's been smiling like that a while now. "I guess it's good that he's so persistent in some cases." She says with a knowing smile and I furrow my eyebrows, confused by what she said. "What do you mean?" I ask and she looks at me, "Did you not have a boyfriend when you two first met?" She asks and I sigh, the last thing I'd want to talk about is Jax but I decide to tell her.

"Yes, we didn't end because of Hunter though. He uh was also very persistent I guess you could say but not in a good way, you know and uh...he cheated on me. Yeah he was just in general not very good for me..." I trail off and she looks at me with a shocked face. "Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to suggest Hunter stole you away or anything like that." She sounds very sorry and I smile at her. "It's totally fine. Luckily Hunter saved me from a couple of very bad situations with him. I'm very lucky to have him." She sighs and smiles at me affectionately and I smile. "Well I'm glad to hear that, I honestly think you two are a great match. And I'm not just saying that just watching the way you get on, its easy to tell." She says with a wink and I smile and look down at my plate, happy I'm approved. "Thank you. That means a lot coming from you." I say as Hunter walks in and sits back down next to me, giving me a wink.

"What you talking about?" Hunter asks as he finishes up his food. Me and his mum smile at each other. "You." I say mischievously and he looks scared. "Oh no that's not good." He says with a laugh and I laugh and shake my head. He puts his hand on my leg and rubs it gently, giving me a smile.

"Okay I think I'm about done with you." His mum says after we've all finished our food and we both look at her. She stands so we stand as well and walk over to give her a hug. "Thank you for the dinner." I say and she hugs me with a smile. "Of course. It was lovely to meet you." She says before letting go and giving Hunter a hug. She whispers something in his ear and he laughs. "Right I'm going out for the night you two can hang out here if you want." She winks at Hunter and I furrow my eyebrows. "Bye." She says and we say it back before she puts on her coat and closes the door behind her.


The second my mum leaves I hear Blair sigh. I turn around and give her a hug. "Well done." I say into her hair and she laughs. "I think she liked me?" She says as a question and I smile at her. "Of course she liked you have you met yourself?" I say and she smiles up at me. I bend down and put my arm under her legs and bridal carry her upstairs to my room, she laughs and hits my chest, looking at me. I look back at her and she smiles, our foreheads touch, then our noses, then our lips. I lay her down on the bed gently and lie beside her. I want to say something but I don't know what to say, so I just stare at her like she's the best thing that ever happened to me because she is. And then she leans in and kisses me.

1 month, 2 weeks and 5 days

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