Chapter 22

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After finally convincing both the guys and the other girls, Blair and I decide to go on a walk down the beach together. We were sat right at the end so we have the whole beach to walk which is good. More time alone together. We walk with our hands gently intertwined on the sand beside the ocean. Blair turns to me and smiles widely. I grin back at her, "What's got you so happy?" I ask her and she leans in to lay her head on my arm for a bit before standing straight as she walks. "Just this. Today has been good. This is good." She says quietly, I can tell by now that she finds it hard to express her feelings which is fine because so do I. "We're better than good." I tell her and she beams up at me. "Jax never did things like that. He never praised me or our relationship or even showed that much interest in it." She confesses and I frown at her and she looks up at me. "He never praised you? Never called you pretty or anything?" I ask in disbelief and she shrugs and shakes her head. "If he did it was so long ago that I've forgotten. Maybe when we first went out." She says and I bring her hand to my lips and kiss it. "You're more than just pretty." I tell her and she smiles and stops so that she can stand opposite me. I realise that this is the best chance I'm going to get to take a picture so as she leans in to kiss me I quickly swipe up on my phone and hold on the camera button, it takes loads of pictures as we kiss and one or two when we're done, our hair wet and clothes sticking to our skin. She looks at the camera and sees that I was taking pictures. She rolls her eyes and I take a picture. Then she laughs and I laugh as I take another one. "For someone who doesn't like taking pictures you sure are enthusiastic." She says to me and I wrap my arm around her shoulders and lean my chin in the crook of her neck so our cheeks are touching. I hold out the camera in front of us and take it as we grin stupidly at it. I cross my eyes and she sticks out her tongue cutely. While taking another picture I quickly stick out my tongue and lick her cheek. She gasps and wipes her cheek quickly, looking around self-consciously. That's going to be a good one. I turn to her and she wraps her arms round my neck as I wrap mine around her waist. We stare at each other for several seconds before I pull my phone back out and take a picture. "Stop!" She says and lifts her hand so that it blocks her face, still smiling. I laugh and switch off my phone before putting in my pocket. "Okay okay. It's gone. You can uncover your face now." I tell her and she peeks out of her fingers before putting her hand back down at her side.

"Bet you got some good ones." She says as we walk down the beach. "Let's look." I say an gesture for us to sit over where there's some shade. We look through the pictures and laugh at the first few. I love the one we took when I lick her face. "That's my favourite." She jokes when we get to the one of her rolling her eyes and me laughing. I laugh at the picture and swipe to the next one, we had just kissed and were staring at one another like we were each others favourite people in the world. "I really like that one." I say and she nods and swipes to the next one which is the same, along with the next four. The next after that is us kissing, our eyes are closed and in the moment, the sea is in the background making it look that much better. "That's my favourite." I say and she agrees with me. "Yeh that's definitely one of the bests so far." She says and smiles, we scroll through the rest and laugh at what feels like hundreds of photos that I took when I had my finger pressed on the camera button without removing it. She leans her head on my shoulder as we look at the ones from right before we kissed and from when we were standing, staring at each other. They were all great photos and I don't know which one is my favourite anymore. I click back on the camera and take just one of us in our current position, her head on my shoulder and me smiling at the camera with the sun high in the sky behind, making it so you can barely see our faces. It was a really great one. "We should probably go back to the others.." Blair says, sounding disappointed. I sigh but then realise that it is still a while back to the beach still and stand up. "C'mon." I reach out my hand to help her up which she takes and stands.

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