Chapter 10

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"You talked for 3 hours about your future and your life and everything. But you didn't kiss?" Poppy asks me the next day, perplexed and I laugh. "No. Seriously. We didn't. We had popcorn and watched a movie and talked but no kissing. I have Jax remember?" I tell her and she nods uncertainly, looking down at the ground. "Well I for one think there's something going on there." Tessa informs me and I shake my head at her. It was a special night with Hunter, I really got to know him more. And he's funny, we laughed until my stomach hurt and then he made me laugh some more. But I don't see him as anything more than a friend. "Alright. But there isn't." I tell them and they both look at each other with a knowing smile. "Anyway, enough about me. What happened with Ollie and Brendan? Never saw that one coming." I say and wiggle my eyebrows at them. They both laugh, "We were drunk. But I do really like Ollie." Tessa says and Poppy nods her head. "You guys were both kissing Ollie and Brendan non stop. It was nauseating." I say and they both turn red. "They were really nice. And hot." Poppy says and we all laugh, "Seriously though. How did I never realise how attractive Ollie is?" Tess says and Poppy shrugs her shoulders. "Same with Brendan. They're both so good-looking." Poppy argues and Tessa nods her head in agreement.

2 weeks later...

"So you're getting close to that Hunter guy aren't you?" Jax asks me, his jaw slightly clenched. I nod my head slowly. "Yes..." I say cautiously and he looks at me. "Has anything happened between you two? Because I don't like him. At all." He tells me and I roll my eyes. "No. Nothing has happened." Just that he is nicer to me than my own boyfriend. A fact I have newly learnt over the past two weeks. Even though he's cheeky and annoying he's really kind, especially when he doesn't think I notice. My phone buzzes from my desk and I get up from the bed to pick it up.

Hunter: Do you have your strawberry ice cream at the ready because we're going to have a reckless day, B x

I laugh at my phone and Jax glares at me. "Who's that?!" He asks me angrily and I sigh. "Hunter." I say bluntly and he storms over and reads the text. "Why is he calling you B? Why is he sending kisses? Why the fuck is he talking about having a reckless day? Are you two getting together?" He asks me and I roll my eyes, he needs to chill. Despite me getting to know Hunter more, he is still just a friend, nothing more. And we have fun together, which is more than I can say for Jax and I. "No. We aren't. Like I've said multiple times before Jax." I say calmly and avoid answering the other questions, they're my memories that I don't want to share with Jax. He shakes his head, not convinced clearly. "I don't like you texting him. Or talking to him." He states and I laugh. "Well uh you can't stop me. He's my friend. And you're not my dad." I say slightly louder than I meant to and he snatches my phone out of my hand. "Fine. I'll just take your phone so you can't." He puts the phone in his pocket, my face contorts in shock and anger. "What?! Give me my phone back!!" I shout at him. He shakes his head. "I don't like you two together all the time." Jax tells me and I try to grab the phone from his hoodie pocket. "Jax. You are overstepping your boundaries here." I say sternly and he shakes his head, jerking away from me. "JAX GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE!!" I yell at him and he retracts slightly, shocked. He closes his eyes and reaches into his pocket to take it out.

"Okay I'm sorry that was a bit too far. Can we just forget about this?" He asks and I take the phone back, wiping away angry tears running down my face. He moves over and kisses me. What the fuck? He does it again and then plants kisses down my neck. "Jax I don't know if I want to --" he cuts me off by kissing me firmly. He pushes me back onto the bed. I try to push him off of me. "Did I ever tell you how sexy you are when you're angry?" He tells me in a low voice. No. I don't want this. "Jax. Jax get off, I don't want to do this right now." I say and try to push him. He pulls off my top and grips my back tightly. "Jax stop it!! Get off of me!" I shout but I can't move his strong body off of me. He kisses my jaw and then my neck harshly and then starts to unbutton his jeans. I can't quite believe what's about to happen right now, I feel tears falling down my cheeks. "Jax. Please. Get off!" I try to shout and push him off me but he just pushes his body down harder as he starts unzipping my own jeans and pulling down my jeans and underwear.

Suddenly his body is gone and when I look up I see Hunter on top of Jax, his fist in the air. I quickly pull up my jeans and underwear, sitting up, unable to move from my place on the bed. I watch as Hunters fist connects with Jax's face. Over and over, my mind is foggy. When I finally come around I walk gently over to Hunter and touch his arm. He stops and looks at me, his face absolutely filled with rage. Jax slowly stands up and I look away from him. Hunter stands in his face. "You'd better get the fuck out before I kill you." He spits in his face and I hear him stumble down the stairs and out the house. I immediately feel Hunter surrounding me, enveloping me in his arms. "Hunter..." I say weakly and he pulls away to look at my face, his own filled with worry. I reach down for my top from the floor and put it on. He immediately wraps his arms back around me and I do the same in return. He strokes the top of my head and I feel slightly comforted. My head hasn't quite wrapped around what just almost happened and when I think about it I feel fresh tears spring up in my eyes. I hug him tighter as a thank you. And then I thank him, over and over because God knows what would've happened if he hadn't been there. I didn't see Jax's face before he left but I hope it was bad.
"Shh. It's okay. It's okay." Hunter whispers quietly into my hair repeatedly, which only makes me cry more. I feel like an idiot for crying so much.

I stare at Hunter's bloody knuckles in my hands as we sit on the bed. He's watching me closely, trying to figure out if I'm okay. "I'm fine." I tell him and I am. Nothing happened. It almost did but it didn't. I'm okay, I will be anyway. "Was it bad?" I ask and his face warps with confusion. "What?" He asks me and I look into his eyes. "His face. Was it bad?" I ask him and he smiles proudly. "Yeh it was pretty bad. I did a pretty good job if I do say so myself." He says and I laugh weakly and pull him in for another hug. "Thank you Hunter." I whisper in his ear and I feel him smile against my neck.

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