Chapter 27

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"Yeh? Well I don't really want to hear it." I tell him and he clenches his fists. "Blair the reason I said that I can't get rid of you is because, well I can't." He says and I look at him, my eyes filled with tears of rage. "Seriously? Right. God, I don't need to listen to this bull shit." I snap and gesture for him to leave. "No. That's not -- UGH! Damn it!" He shouts and clenches his fists harder, frustrated and walks to the other side of the room to look out the window. "Why are you the angry one?!" I ask him and he snaps his head round to look at me.

"Because Blair I was telling the truth.
I can't get rid of you! You're all I think about all the time. I'm stuck with you, I can't think of anyone else I would want to spend my time with. Ever. I would rather hang out with you a hundred times before I even thought about hanging out with Vicki. And trust me it would probably have just been much easier if I had just fallen in love with her." He takes a deep breath before continuing. "There's just something about you. I mean just kissing you is the most amazing feeling I think I've ever felt." He says quietly and I feel my anger start to melt a little, but it's still there. "So that's it? You put up with me because I'm a good kisser?" I ask him, standing up and walking, stopping just next to the door to indicate him to leave. He doesn't, he just frowns. "No. Fuck." He says and I see tears gathering in his eyes. I pretend not to care because I already have a constant flow of tears running down my own face. He deserves to cry too, even if I've never seen him do it. "Blair. For starters, I don't just put up with you. I enjoy to be with you, I stayed with you because well...I love your laugh amongst other things. And I love it how your eyes light up when you smile. I love it when you smile so wide that the cute dimple at the side of your eye shows, how your breath quickens whenever we're close. I love to watch you watching movies and I love seeing you lying on a bed, listening to music because you're sad. Because I'm an idiot. Fuck I'm an idiot." He laughs as a tear escaped his eyes and his voice cracks. He swiftly wipes it away so its as if it was never there. "I never ever want to lose you. Just thinking about I can't think about it. I can't. Because it hurts too much. Right now, knowing that you are angry at me and thinking that I might never get a chance to be with you makes me feel like my heart has been torn from my chest and I can no longer think or breathe. All I can think about is you. I'm an idiot because I don't deserve to love you. I love you Blair. I know that I shouldn't because it's probably too soon but...I'm pretty damn certain that I do. I love you..." He smiles sheepishly and looks at me desperately, his eyes pleading. "But I know that I hurt you and even if it was just a very big misunderstanding I get if you -- if you want to take a break...or something." He looks down at the floor and tears continue pouring from his eyes. I walk over to him and lift his head so that our eyes meet. I wipe away his tears and sniffle. I wrap my arms around him and lean my head on his chest. I never said it back. But I do. I love him and I never thought about it until earlier today when we picked up the others. But I think I do. "I love you too." I whisper, so quiet that I'm not quite certain he heard it. But he did.

"Well shit." He says and smiles, I laugh and he wipes away the remaining tears on my face, leaving his hand holding my cheek. He then slowly leans in and I raise my head so that our lips meet but this time it feels different. Like its full of love. We don't do it with tongue or anything, just kiss. Simple and pure. And when we pull away we keep our faces close together, our noses touching and our foreheads rested against one another. "Man we're a mess." He says and I laugh, him joining in. He leans back so that he's sitting on the bed. I take a few steps forward and lean against him. We kiss again. And again. And we are happy.


"I love you." Hunter whispers repeatedly into my ear as we lie next to each other on my bed. "I love you." I respond and I watch as his teeth show as he smiles, he's reacted like this every single time I say it. "Why?" He asks me and I furrow my eyebrows and turn my head to look at him. "Tell me why...please? I just don't understand..." He asks me quietly and I look up at the ceiling so as to be less nervous.

"Well...where to begin. I love it how you smile whenever I say your name. I love you because you call me nervy, even if I pretend that I don't, and I love that one curl that always falls into your eyes eventually through the day and you always try to ignore it but I can tell that it gets in your eyes and annoys the hell out of you even if it's extremely cute and attractive for me. I love you because you are soft and gentle and kind when you think no one can see, I love you because I believe that you really try and I know that it's hard for you. All those things and much much more." I say quietly, but less afraid after his long speech earlier. "I love it when you say you love me." I add and he rolls over to his side and kisses my cheek. "I love you." He says and kisses my jaw. "I love you." He repeats and kisses my neck. He continues planting light and soft kisses down my neck and collarbone, muttering I love you between each one. I giggle and he glares up at me. "I'm trying to be sexy here and you're laughing." He says with a cheeky grin on his lips. I grin down at him, he is being sexy. He always is damn it. "It tickles..." I say quietly and he smiles up at me through his eyelashes. He kisses my neck harder now and finds a spot before sucking, I gasp at the sudden action. I had not been expecting that. "Are you...are you - oh okay." I say between breaths as he sucks harder. Fucking hell. Yes Blair he's giving you a hickey. When he finishes he moves back up to my face and gazes at me for several seconds, smiling before leaning in and kissing me. "I love you." He says again before leaning in and kissing me one more time.

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