Chapter 25

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I drive us all back to my house and we decide on watching a movie together so they can relax a bit. Hayes and Beau hit it off with Blair instantly and they all joke around together but I can tell that she's slightly skeptical about Vicki still. I need to get a moment alone with her to tell her that there's nothing to worry about. Vicki has had feelings for me in the past but it's in the past, we are just friends now. During the movie Blair sits next to me but doesn't speak much. I tap her on the shoulder and she looks at me. "Can we talk?" I ask and she shrugs. "Can we not wait until after the film?" She asks and I can tell she's pissed because she doesn't make eye contact once. "No. I think we need to talk now." I say and she rolls her eyes, muttering "Fine" as she starts to get up. As we walk through the door Beau shouts, "Remember to use protection!" And I flip him off as I leave the room, making him laugh.

When we enter the kitchen I take both her hands in mine as she leans against the counter. She avoids looking into my eyes so I start talking. "Blair...what's bothering you?" I ask her and she looks at me angrily. "Why didn't you tell me some girl was coming?" She demands and I smile slightly at her obvious jealousy. "I had no clue. Hayes and Beau are close to her and we've always hung out together so it makes sense that they'd invite her without asking." I tell her and she rolls her eyes. "You've always hung out with her? Do you have something going on with her or something?" She asks, her voice is quiet and I can tell that she's holding back tears. "No! God no!" I say and she looks at me, slightly more relaxed. "Really? Have you ever had a thing?" She asks, still doubtful. I look away from her, feeling guilty. Me and Vicki never did anything besides hook up a few times but there were feelings there from her even if I never returned them. "No. She...she liked me but it's over now. It was a long time ago." I try to reassure her and she huffs. "Have you kissed?" She asks me, still skeptical and I break eye contact. "She liked me a long time ago." I say to avoid an answer but she doesn't take it. "Have you kissed?" She persists and I sigh and nod my head reluctantly. "How long ago?" She asks and I breath out a long breath, trying to think. "Like a year or something I don't know." I say and she seemingly relaxes. "Ok. Ok. Sorry." She says and looks at me guiltily after processing. "It's okay. I would be the same." I tell her, I would probably be way, way worse but I don't mention that. "I'm going to get a drink but you can go back to the movie if you want. Do you want anything?" I ask her and she shakes her head. "We're good right?" I ask, still slightly concerned and she nods, raising her hands and placing them behind my head. I hold her waist and lean in, connecting our lips. Kissing her is different from kissing anyone else. I feel sparks travelling through my body every time, it never doesn't feel magical. I don't think I'll ever get bored of her. She lets go and leaves just as I turn around to make myself a drink.

"So you've got a girl huh?" I hear a familiar voice say from behind me which makes me jump. I sigh and close the fridge, my head hanging low. "Yeah." I tell Vicki as I turn around. She walks towards me with her arms crossed. "You seem to really like her." She says with a bitter sweet tone in her voice. I nod and run my hand through my hair. "I do. A lot. I mean I made her my girlfriend for God's sake." I say and she sighs and looks at the floor. I find a sudden interest in the can I'm holding in my hands. "Hunter you know how I feel about you. But...I would never want to jeopardise your happiness." She says and I walk over to the island in the centre of the kitchen and put my hands down on it. She's always been so kind and caring despite everything and her feelings about me. I've just never felt the same way back and it used to kill me to hurt her like that. "Yes I know, thank you. There's just something about her, Vick. It feels different with her. New and exciting. She makes me really happy. I'm sorry." I say and she clenches her teeth and looks away, I can see her trying to fight back tears. I feel awful but I have to be truthful with her. "I loved you Hunter. That doesn't just go away." She says and I sigh. I haven't ever truly felt the same way and I hate having to let her know again because I know it hurts her so much. We had a thing a few years back but I ended it as soon as I realised she was more serious about it than I was. We never officially dated. "I know but it's like I'm stuck with her. I can't get rid of her. She's --" I say but am interrupted by someone walking in the room. My head immediately shoots up and when I see who it is my face falls. I realise that she has definitely misinterpreted our conversation and heard the wrong part when she storms in angrily.


I walk back into the living room and am about to sit down when I notice I don't have my phone. I remember that I put it down on the counter when I was talking to Hunter. As I left the room I notice Vicki has disappeared from her spot on the couch, she must have gone to get a drink. It makes me uncomfortable that they're together but what can I really do if they're friends. As I walk down the hall I hear voices coming from the kitchen. "I loved you Hunter. That doesn't just go away." I hear a girl say as I approach the door. My heart is beating fast. I prepare myself to hear what he says next and hope to god that he turns her down. "I know but it's like I'm stuck with her. I can't get rid of her."

I can almost physically feel my heart plummet into the ground. I feel like I've stopped breathing but somehow push through and walk into the kitchen. I need to get the fuck out of this house. "She's --" He starts to say something else but stops when I walk into the room. His face falls when he sees me and I hold back my tears as I storm in and grab my phone off the counter. I look up at the girl, I expect to see her smiling smugly but she looks incredibly guilty as I start to turn around and prepare to walk out the house.
"Blair I --" Hunter starts to speak and grabs my arm to turn me around. Tears spill out of my eyes. "No it's okay I heard you loud and clear. I get the message. You can't get rid of me so let me help you out, have fun with Vicki because it's clear that I'm just in your way!" I shout and pull my arm out of his grip. I quickly slide on my shoes, thank god I wore slip ons. I don't turn around to see his face and ignore him as he shouts my name and follows me out of the house. He continues trying to get my attention as I shakily try to line my key up with the lock but my eyes are clouded with thick, hot tears threatening to escape my eyes. I take a deep breath, knowing he's right behind me. "Hunter. She's sleeping in your house." I say so quietly to the door, I know he hears because he stops trying to explain himself for a moment and just stands, knowing fine well what I was implying. He takes such a huge breath that I feel the hairs on the back of my neck move. "I know Blair but -"
I finally get the key in and twist it before pushing open and slamming the door right in his face before I have to torture myself any longer by listening to him nervously babble. "Damn it!" I hear him shout and something crash and fall on the floor. My parents aren't home so the second I get the door closed I sink to the ground and start crying. I continue hearing shouts and crashes from outside but ignore it, he deserves to hurt.

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