Chapter 32

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I wake up at around nine and Blair is still asleep. I lie there, with her lying on my chest for a while but can't get back to sleep so I gently untangle myself from her arms and walk quietly out of the room. I get myself a glass of water and take it back up to the room where I sit on her desk chair. I look over at her and she is still asleep, her lips are slightly parted and her lightly freckled face is relaxed. She looks absolutely gorgeous as usual and I smile to myself. I am so lucky. I take a look around the room and see that she has a guitar rested against her wardrobe with a post it note on it. I pick up the guitar and read the note:
To whomever enters my room that can play guitar, you are perfectly welcome to play it because I won't be anytime soon. I wish I could.
~ Blair :)

I smile at the sweet message that she wrote and look at the guitar. It's in reasonably good condition and I consider playing it but don't want to wake Blair up. "Go ahead." I hear a slightly croaky voice say from the bed. I look over to see Blair looking sleepily over at me and smiling. "Sorry. Did I wake you?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Play it. No one else ever does." She says and she laughs slightly. I furrow my eyebrows at her and she sighs. "One day. When Rosie, my sister, was 7 or 8 she decided she was going to learn guitar. She wanted to be like one of the Jonas brothers. So she got that for her birthday. She never learnt more than a C chord though." She laughs and her eyes sparkle with tears as she talks about her clearly loved sister. I smile at her and remove the post it note from the strings and begin tuning.

When I've gotten the guitar in tune I look over at her, positioning it by leaning it on one knee. "So since I found out you like Shawn I did some research..." I start to play the notes for one of his songs and she grins. "And I really liked this one it's called --"
"I know what it's called. This is what it takes is one of my favourites." She says and I laugh sheepishly and continue to play.


When he starts to sing I feel actual goosebumps start to form on my skin. Something about guys singing is extremely hot. And I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who thinks this. I'm surprised he knows all the words for someone who's just learnt it. Without thinking I pick up my phone from the side of my bed and start filming. I want to remember this moment, when my boyfriend sang me Shawn Mendes whilst shirtless. I mean it really is a dream.

When the song ends he smiles over at me as though he doesn't realise how amazing he is. I grin at him and stop recording, "Wow. That was so good." I say and he smiles at me. "Why were you filming?" He asks softly and I shrug at him as he comes over and sits next to me. "You just sounded so good. And looked so good. I wanted to remember it." I say and look down, he repositions himself so he's sat crosslegged across from me, smiling widely. "I looked so good?" He smirks and I roll my eyes. Of course that's all he heard. "Yes. You looked and look extremely attractive." I admit and blush. He beams over at me, I don't know why he gets so happy every time I admit he's hot. Can he not see it himself when he looks in the mirror?

He places his hand on my bare thigh and I feel that familiar buzz run down my leg. I hold his face in my hands and start tracing his cheekbones with my thumb. He closes his eyes and smiles, leaning into my hand. I smile to myself, he visibly relaxes at my touch, it's weird to think that. I move my thumb across his face and trace the outline of his lips, they feel amazingly soft under my skin. I continue exploring the rest of his face with my thumb, tracing lines around his cheekbones, over his gorgeous closed eyes. He smiles and sighs happily, "You have no idea how good that feels." He says and I blush slightly, just holding his face in my hands.

His eyes flutter open and he stares into my eyes, it's an intense look that I don't think I can match. A brief flicker of a smile runs quickly across his face before he leans in and kisses me. I pull back almost instantly, "Hunter I haven't brushed my teeth." I say and he rolls his eyes before kissing me again. This time he leans his body in further and I fall back onto my bed. He slides his hands up my top, not lifting it, the feeling of his hands on my back and stomach is indescribably good. My hands were already on his bare back slightly before and I wonder if it feels the same. He pulls back and in one swift motion takes off my pj top, I'm so glad I wore a bra to bed. He smiles at my chest before firmly pressing his own muscly, hard one against it. He kisses me again.

We pull back quickly when we hear the front door open and close quickly. My eyes widen with shock. Shit. Who could it be? My parents? "Under the bed. Now." I frantically whisper to him and he gives me a dirty look. "Hunter." I warn as I hear footsteps moving quickly up the stairs. He jumps/falls off the bed and under it, I laugh quietly before leaning over to pick up my top. Hunter grabs it and doesn't let me have it, a cheeky grin on his face as he sticks his head out for a second and then moves it back. I move my head to look under the bed and glare at him but there's no time to argue so I delve deep into the covers and sit in anticipation for the door which almost immediately opens slowly.

My heart is racing. Tessa sticks her head in before walking in, smiling. I let out a huge breath of relief and roll my eyes. "Seriously? You couldn't have phoned Tess?" I practically yell, I was terrified. She laughs, "Hunter you can come out." I call and Hunter's head sticks out from the side of the bed, his lopsided grin wide on his face. I burst out laughing at the entire situation that just happened, Hunter joining in. "You fell when you were going under the bed." I say between uncontrollable laughs, laughing even harder when I think of the crashing noise it made. "Your top." He says between his own laughs and we both look at each other before bursting into a new fit of laughter, Tessa looking at both of us quizzically. When she pieces together that he is shirtless and so am I and what might have been going on when she burst in her jaw drops.

"Oh my god. You've had sex." She says just as Hunter quickly climbs onto the bed and under the covers with me as he's only in his tight black boxers. I blush and Hunter shrugs. "Yes we have and it was probably gonna happen again if you hadn't interrupted us." He says, annoyed. My mouth hangs open and I manage a laugh at the same time. "Hunter!" I scold but he just laughs. "What? Are you saying that's not what was happening?" He questions, his face extremely close to my own, a smirk on his lips. I smile and shake my head at him. He's about to lean in and kiss me when Tessa coughs loudly. "Ok I know you two are eager to get into each others pants and all but I'd rather not experience live porn so..."

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