Chapter 28

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Hunter leaves at around five to go find his friends and check on his mum. He tells me he'll be back by seven so I walk downstairs and have dinner with my parents. "Blair. We just found out over the phone that our flight for our trip together tomorrow has been bumped up to 11 tonight. I'm so sorry but do you think you can live without us for a day extra?" My dad asks me as I eat my food. I nod my head and smile at him. "Of course. That's fine dad." I tell him and he grins at me, my mum doing the same from beside him.

My parents leave shortly after dinner and I have nothing left to do. So I get out my phone and play music as I brush my hair. One of my favourite songs comes on and I can't not dance to it. I hold the brush to my mouth and use it as a microphone as I sing the lyrics and jump around like an idiot. I flip my hair while singing into the mirror. I do the same thing for the next four songs before I am interrupted by a cough at my bedroom door. Damn parents always leaving my front door unlocked. I laugh and blush but get over myself quickly and bounce over to him, continuing to sing as I pull him by his hand into my room. I spin around and back into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck. The song changes. It's Baby by Justin Bieber. I feel my face turn immediately red and Hunter sees and laughs. "I LOVE this song!" He says and I nod my head, still slightly embarrassed. He starts singing along to make me less uncomfortable.

You know you love me, I know you care

Somehow he makes the song sound like he was born to sing it, of course he does. Why does he have to be perfect at everything? It kind of annoys the hell out of me. I join in with him, knowing that I'm probably making it sound way worse but not really caring. We jump around together and dance to the song while singing along. He picks up my brush from my bed and starts singing into it and I sing it along with him. "Woah." He says over the music and I furrow my eyebrows and look at him. "What?" I ask and he smiles and runs his hands through his hair. "You can sing." He says and I feel my face flush a deep pink but he immediately joins back in with Justin and sings the chorus so I sing with him.

When the song ends we are both out of breath and lie back on my bed just as Kiwi by Harry Styles come on. He sings this song too, this one sounding much better on his smooth voice as he hits each note perfectly. "I am surprised you have this song, nerves." He says, sounding impressed and I look at him, confused. "Why's that?" I say laughing slightly. "Well because it's to put" He says and I laugh. "Mmm. I listen to it because of that reason precisely." I say sarcastically and turn my head to face the ceiling. He laughs and nods his head. "It turns you on right?" He says and sounds almost serious. This guy is ridiculous. "Yeh..." I say sarcastically and he folds his arms, seemingly satisfied. The song ends just as my old iPod I was using runs out of battery. I roll my eyes and go put it in to charge.

"I think we'll have to wait a while before -- oh." I am cut off by Hunter wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling his head into my neck. He laughs at my sudden lack of speech and I feel his teeth against the skin of my neck. I try to steady my breathing as he turns me round to face him. He smiles at me, flashing his teeth as he moves me back towards the bed. He leans in and kisses me and I fall back onto the bed, with his hand behind my head so I don't hurt it, small things like this show me how much he does care. He kisses me again, and I feel his tongue enter my mouth and start moving with my own. He pulls away and takes off his t-shirt. My breath hitches in my throat at the sight of him shirtless and I look away to avoid stopping my breath all together. He grins down at me and forces me to look at him, I blush and he laughs and slowly lifts the edges of my top suggestively. I sigh and lean back to take off my own top and now he's the one who's nervous. It feels strange to think I'm the one who causes him to change emotions so quickly. He swallows and I see a smirk edging at the corners of his lips before he leans back in and presses his bare chest against my own. I feel my entire body buzzing from the contact and he smiles against my mouth. "You have goosebumps." He whispers and I blush and try to say something but he cuts me off with his lips on mine.

"Hold on." Hunter pulls away slightly and holds himself up with his arms, his face still mere centimetres from my wins. "So you're not a virgin?" He asks and I nod. "Correct." I respond and he nods. "And we are both attracted to each sexually." He says and I swallow, knowing where this is leading. "Correct." I say slowly and he smiles because I just said I was sexually attracted to him. I'm trying to ignore that he just said it too but I can't. "And we both love each other." He's just stating facts now but I nod. "Correct." I repeat and he smiles. "So why on earth haven't we had sex yet?" He asks and I grin. "Hunter I've been asking myself that for a while now..." I say quietly and smile up at him. He shakes his head. "Don't do that." He says and I screw up my face in confusion. "Do what?" I ask him and he smirks and moves his face closer. "Smile like that, all innocent, after saying you want to have sex with me. It makes me crazy Blair." He says and I blush at his words and then look back at him, smiling still. "Stop!" He says, laughing but his face turns red at the same time. I wrap my arms round his neck and pull his face to mine. "Shut up." I say, grinning and kiss him. He hesitantly starts to slide down my trousers and I help him.
"You sure?" He says timidly and I nod my head. "Definitely." I say, smiling and he grins. "You're doing it again." He says and I roll my eyes as he pulls down my jeans.

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