Chapter 30

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We take our eggs and toast into the living room. We eat in silence as we flick through things on Netflix to watch. Hunter finishes his eggs in record time I don't know how he even does it but I'm only halfway through when he asks for the remote. I hand it over to him and he takes control of the looking. "The Notebook?" He suggests and I laugh. I do love the movie to be honest but it's such a stereotype. "Stop. No. You don't have to pretend to like that movie." I say, still laughing and he turns to me, dead serious. Oh. He wasn't joking. " actually like it?" I ask and he continues to stare at me without saying a word. I can't help but laugh nervously. "Did I hit a nerve?" I ask and he rolls his eyes. "I've never actually seen it." He says and I shove him, I thought he was actually pissed at me. He laughs and continues scrolling.

"You done?" He asks me from the other side of the couch. I nod my head and he picks up my plate and puts it on the table in front of the couch. "Do you actually want to watch a movie?" He asks me, smirking and I roll my eyes. "Well what else are we gonna do?" I ask and he grins. "I have a few ideas." He says as he inches his face closer to mine. When his lips are almost touching mine I breath in. "You know I have got some drawings I need to finish which I was planning on doing before you invited yourself over." I say as I turn my head, smiling and knowing what his face would look like right now. I get the feeling that he isn't rejected much. I totally understand why but it's fun to play with his ego.

"Go ahead. I'm not stopping you." He says moodily and folds his arms. I look at him and laugh before getting up. I see him start to stand, flashing his award winning smile and I turn around and sprint upstairs before he convinces me to do something else. I quickly run into my room and pull out my sketches of some designs I had. Outlines of dresses or outfits that I need to finish. Well I don't technically have to do it but I know that when I get to art school they'll be drilling the designs out of me so I need to get some done before I go while I'm still relaxed.

Strangely, Hunter doesn't come into my room for around ten minutes. By which point I have already almost forgotten about him being here and I am in the zone. "Sorry I was finding and doing the toilet." He says as he enters but I wave him off as I am crouched over my drawing in the middle of a very detailed section. I hear him walk over and sit on my bed, watching me at my desk right next to it. "So this is you." He says as I sketch. I look up briefly and furrow my eyebrows. "No it's an imposter." I joke and he laughs. His laugh alone makes me want to take off my clothes. Did I just say that? "No I mean when you're not being nervous or angry or sarcastic. When you have time to do what you care about. This is you? This is what you do?" He says and I smile to myself, knowing he can't fully see my face because my hair is covering it. He sounded so wise and thoughtful. "Yeh I guess it is. Or I'd be reading." I say, my voice distant because I'm trying to focus. I lean back in my seat to look at the drawing from further away. I lean my head back and tie up my hair in a ponytail. Luckily this dress is pretty much done so I'll be finished soon. "Reading? What genre? Oh wait don't tell me...romance." He says and I blush and don't reply. I almost hear him shaking his head so when I raise my eyes to look at him I'm not surprised when he is. "What? There are some good romances out there!" I defend myself just as I finish off the drawing, for now. I put down my pencil so I can spin around in my chair and face him. "Yeah. I guess there are..." He says but he isn't convinced. "Okay you will read...this." I wheel myself over to one of my shelves and pick up All the Bright Places. I wheel myself back over to him in the chair, still a good few feet away though. There is no way he can not like this book, it makes you laugh and cry and smile all in the same chapter. I sound like the blurb. I hand him the book and he reads the title and raises an eyebrow. "Okay..." He says reluctantly and I grin at him. "Yay!" I exclaim and clap my hands.

He leans forward and grips the sides of my chair, wheeling me so that I am sat in between his legs. "Please let me kiss you?" He says and I sigh and lean in just as he does. Our lips touch and I can feel my skin already starting to prickle. He grows more desperate and deepens the kiss, leaning back and placing his hand on the middle of my back to pull me closer to him. I'm pretty much lying on top of him when he pulls away, grinning and pulls off his top. I frantically do the same, desperate for our lips to touch again. They don't touch in the end as he starts kissing my neck. I feel his wet, soft kisses being trailed all up and down my neck and collarbone. I bite my lip to stifle a moan that is threatening to escape my lips as he starts sucking on a soft spot on my neck.


I flip her over so that I'm on top of her and she wraps her legs around the waistline of my joggers. I kiss her harder as I press my chest firmly against hers. As our chests touch I feel electric currents coursing through my body. Her legs are still wrapped around my torso and I lean more into her so that our bodies are closer together. I feel her smile between kisses. I pull back slightly, out of breath. "What is it?" I ask, mirroring her smile with my own. "Nothing." But we both knew what she was smiling at, I had a boner. I start to move in closer again, my breath falling on her neck, hot as I speak softly in her ear. "Blair does it seriously come as a surprise to you that you turn me on. A lot." I whisper softly into her ear and feel her teeth against the skin of my neck as she smiles. I feel her heartbeat quicken from under neath me. "Please stop teasing and just kiss me." She whispers and I grin before kissing her urgently.

My chest is rising and falling quickly and so is hers as I begin pulling down her jeans. "Hunter...twice in one night?" She says and I hesitate in pulling down her jeans. Earlier it was amazing and I was eager for that again. But if she didn't want to then I guess I can live. "Ugh fuck it. I'm not going to pretend I don't want to." She says and smiles innocently up at me again. I pull her jeans off of her legs and toss them aside, my own following shortly after. "That smile. Shit." I breath as I kiss her softly.

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