Chapter 37

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Today is a dull and gloomy day, it's raining outside so I'm stuck indoors thinking about what could be happening next door. It's been two hours and I haven't heard anything yet. I'm so happy for him that he has achieved this milestone in his career  and in my opinion think that it would be an amazing opportunity for him, despite the location. My parents are at a friends house for dinner so I'm stuck alone, sat on my phone watching Hunters singing videos. They're much better than I thought, he can really sing, it's impressive. Obviously I knew this beforehand but something about being able to watch them repeatedly (which is definitely what I did) makes it seem more special and I can't stop listening to his voice.

My phone rings as I'm about to give up waiting for his call and read and it's Hunter. "Blair. I love you." Hunter says in the light hearted and slightly mischievous voice I fell in love with. I laugh at how he started the conversation. "I love you too. Now are you going to put me out of my misery and tell me your decision? I've been waiting two hours..." I tell him and he laughs and sighs. "Nope." He says simply and I frown at him even though he's not here. "Seriously? That's so --"
I'm cut off my my doorbell ringing and walk quickly downstairs. I open it and it's Hunter, grinning at me while holding the phone to his ear still. "I needed to tell you to your face." He says and it echoes through the phone a few times before I hang up.

He invites himself in and walks over to my table, gesturing for me to sit opposite him, I laugh because he's treating it like some professional ordeal. When I sit down he looks down at his hands and starts playing with his thumbs nervously, I have a feeling I know where this is headed. "So my mum and I have come to the decision." He says and I can hear my heart drumming in my ears. "I'm moving to London and...I want to move in with you. Now before you say no just think about it, we'll both be busy all the time so it'll be hard for us to see each other. We can cook meals together and go shopping for food. And the most amazing benefit of all, sleep in the same bed. It would be an honour to wake up to your face every morning." He smiles at me nervously while I think it through. I've already got an apartment that I'm going to move into so all that would change is that he'd move in too. But I can't help thinking the worst. "But what if...what if it doesn't work out?" I ask hesitantly and he smiles. "If we break up I'll leave. I'll find my own place somewhere or come back here and you can have the place. I promise." He says firmly and I can't help thinking about the possibility. Just thinking about cooking him meals for me and waking up with him every morning gets me really excited. But it's too soon.

"I'm sorry Hunter. But we're just too young and we're about to start this whole new part of our lives and moving in is a huge step on top of that. Here's what I'm thinking. I already have a flat in London and I'm pretty sure that there were a few more in the building for sale could maybe move there? You could stay over at mine whenever you want and I can maybe stay at yours? You can keep stuff there and it'll almost be like living together but just alternate between the flats. I'll give you the key and I know it's not the same as moving in I just think --" Hunter interrupts me by laughing and raising his hands in surrender. "Okay Blair. I totally understand." He says and smiles at me and I smile back. "You do?" I ask and he nods and then leans forward in his seat slightly. "So where is this apartment you bought?" I grin widely and begin to tell him about my apartment and where it is. He knows the area and seems to like the idea. Everything is starting to come together.

"I'm going to have to go a few weeks before you to have meetings and sign for the apartment. Sorry." Hunter informs me and I smile. I'm going to miss him but I'm sure I'll survive. "It's fine I'll catch up to you soon enough." I say with a smile as we get up and walk over to the couch. He sits extremely close to me so the entire side of my leg is against his, sending shivers down my side. He turns to me, grinning excitedly and his face is millimetres from my own. "This is going to be great." He says quietly into my mouth as he moves in but when he glances up he immediately pulls away and moves several inches away from me. "Mr Evans." He manages a polite smile but I can see the pink blush creeping up his neck and along his cheeks. I try to suppress a giggle as my dad walks in the room and sits on an armchair, winking at me. "Hey dad." I say quietly because I'm still trying not to laugh. Hunter and my dad have gotten along reasonably well so far but he scares the crap out of Hunter because he knows how close I am with him which means he pretty much has to like him. My dad looks back and forth between us two for a while before speaking.

"So how's it been going? I trust you're being safe?" He says and I turn bright red along with Hunter. I laugh sheepishly, "Dad." I warn and he chuckles. "I'm just teasing. But seriously, how's things? Hunter how's the singing going?" He asks him curiously and Hunter sits up taller than he did before. "Yes it's good Mr Evans. I actually uh just got offered to be signed by Island Records." He says shyly and my dad raises his eyebrows. "Really? Wow that's a big label well done. So things are looking good for you then?" He asks and Hunter looks at me, into my eyes and grins, seemingly unaware of my father watching our every move. "Yes. Yes they are."

better than thisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें