Chapter 6

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Me: Blair? You there? It's Hunter.
Me: Hello?
Me: Nervy? I'm bored
Me: I'm growing impatient...
Blair: Chill. I thought I was the uptight one :)
Me: I'm bored and only have one guy friend who only seems to be able to hook me up with parties...
Blair: I just woke up. We could meet?
Me: Sounds good.
Me: See you outside in 10?
Blair: See you then.

I switch off my phone and toss it on my bed, picking up a top and pulling it on over my head. I honestly don't really know why hanging out with Blair sounds so appealing. To be honest she isn't the typical type of person I would hang around with, in the nicest way possible.

I grab my leather jacket and wear it over my white t-shirt, picking up my keys and putting on some shades before I leave. I shout a quick goodbye to my mum as I walk out the door and walk over to Blairs house. She's sat at her kitchen table reading a book when her mum lets me in. I smile at her and she returns the gesture, closing her book and standing to leave. I open the door for her as we walk out and close it after me, stepping out onto the street. "Virginia Woolf huh? So you're one of those girls." I say about the author of her book and she laughs and looks at me. "And which ones would that be?" She asks me and I smile. "A smart one." Being honest, I've never read any Virginia Woolf. My answer makes her laugh and I stare at her.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask her and she smiles, the dimple next to her eye showing. "I don't know. We could just go on a walk down the beach?" She suggests and I roll my eyes and shrug, "Boring." I say, pretending to yawn and she laughs and nudges me with her shoulder lightly. "It'll be fun." She says and I smile. "I'm pretty sure you and I have different idea of what that word means...but alright. As long as I get to choose next time." I say and she looks up at me, examining my face and I can tell she's suppressing laughter. "What's so funny?" I ask, wanting to laugh just watching her struggle not to. "What's with the shades?" She asks and gestures to the sky. I look up to see that gloomy, dark clouds cover most of the sky and the weather is pretty cast over. I hadn't noticed before I left and now feel foolish at my choice of eyewear. I shrug and take them off, folding them to put in my pocket before she interrupts. "No don't. Keep them on, they look good." She tells me, immediately rethinking her words and blushing, her face turning a dark pink. I smile at her and put them back on. "Make up your mind, Blair." I say, using her real name for once and she looks down, embarrassed. "So...wanna go?" She asks to shift my attention off of her I'm assuming. I laugh and begin to walk toward the beach, shoving my hands inside my pockets.

"Sorry again about spilling my beer on you last night." I say, feeling guilty as I think about it. "It's fine. I did it to you. I think it was more than just beer to get you that wasted..." She says and I smile at her. "I had more than one drink last night Blair." She nods and turns to me as we walk. "Right. And how many do you think that was?" She asks me and I try to remember but can't. "I honestly have no idea. Most of last night was a blur." Apart from the swimming in our underwear, that I will most likely never forget. But I don't mention it. "I remember most of the night after you showed up." I tell her and she smiles.

We reach the almost empty beach and start walking along it. "Fancy another swim, nervy?" I ask and she snaps her head round to glare at me. "No. Way. I almost got frostbite. You're lucky I don't have a cold today." She says and I shrug. "I'd just bring you stuff to make you better." I blurt out before realising how weird that sounds and blush. She smiles to herself as we walk in silence. When we walk past a large group of guys smoking and drinking something, or someone, catches her eye. Blair scrunches up her face as she walks toward one of the guys. "Jax? That you?" She asks as the same guy from her room this morning and the party last night turns around, holding a lit cigarette. "You're smoking?" She asks, her face filled with confusion and shock. "Yes Blair I am, god stop being so judgy." He says and his friends laugh, before his eyes land in me. This is gonna be good. "Really? I thought you were'd you manage to find time to hang out with him and not your boyfriend? Or were you with him the whole time?" He asks, no hint of emotion in his eyes. "Maybe I'm just much better company." I say and he takes a step towards me, taking a long and hard drag of his cigarette and blowing it in my face. Or trying to because he's at least two inches shorter than me. I laugh at his pathetic attempt to threaten me. "I slept and when I woke up Hunter texted." She tells him calmly, gently tugging my arm away. I clench my jaw and glare at him but back away slightly.

"I'm sorry but since when do you smoke?" Blair asks him, clearly just completely confused at his actions and moving to face him, me standing slightly behind her. "Why do you care? You're not my mum." He says spitefully and she visibly retracts at his harsh words. I step past her and walk right up to his face, ready to start a fight when Blair cuts between us. "I um guess I'll see you later then. Bye Jax." She says and tugs me away. I grin widely at him and wave and he balls his hands into fists but quickly releases and smiles at Blair. "Bye babe. You know I love you." He shouts after her and she nods before turning away and walking quickly along the beach. Ugh how could he even say that after being such a dick? How could she take that?

"I don't like him." I tell her as soon as he's out of hearing distance. "He's nice when you get to know him. He can be really sweet." She tells me, her eyes glued to the grains of sand under her feet as she walks. Nice and sweet? I can't help but notice it doesn't sound like the most riveting of relationships. Oh well, who am I to judge? "But why would you put up with his shit?" I ask the question I've wanted to ask since last night and she shrugs. "We've been dating for three years. He really is a great guy when he's not being a dick." She says, smiling slightly. I honestly can not see it in him to be nice from what I've seen so far which I know is only a glimpse of the guy but I can't help but feel a strong disdain for him.

"So are you a virgin then?" I ask, smirking at the thought of her earlier reaction. She sucks in a quick breath but then sighs, giving in. "No. I am not." She says and I almost fall over in shock. "Really?!!" I can't hide the surprise from my voice. She nods and I can't help but laugh, I did not expect that. But as I think about it my face goes straight, "Oh god seriously? Was it with that idiot?" I ask and she laughs nervously. "Maybe..." She says, raising her hand to scratch her head, anticipating my reaction. Just the thought of him, with her, in that way makes me nauseous. "How many times do you think ?" I ask as I clench my fists. "Hunter it doesn't really--"
"How many times?" I persist and she sighs. "I don't know! He's been my boyfriend for three years." She says and I clench my jaw. I want to punch something. God why do I want to punch something? I met her a day ago. I guess I expected better from her. No, it isn't her fault. He really doesn't deserve her. At all. Especially if he speaks to her like that. "You're too good for him." I blurt out unintentionally. She furrows her eyebrows and looks to me. "Fucks sake, stop judging. You don't even know him." She snaps and I raise my hands in surrender. "Okay okay. I'm sorry. I'll stop now." I say and her face softens, "Good." She quickly replies and we move on.

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