Chapter 24

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One week later

"So which one is Hayes? That's the brown haired one right?" Blair seems nervous, more so than usual, to meet my friends. I laugh and rub my hands up and down her arms reassuringly. "Yes. Beau has black hair and a lip piercing. You'll be fine, nervy." I say and she relaxes and smiles at me. "I just really don't want to get off on a bad foot you know? Like these are your lifelong friends we're talking about." She says and I smile at her. "I'm sure once they get to know you they'll love you as much as I do nerves." I say and she smiles but her smile is distant. Oh shit. Did I just say that?


His friends will be here any second and I'm trying to get over how he kind of just said he loved me? It was just words that I don't think he meant and I don't think he was serious about them but it still made my heart skip a beat. "That's them." Hunter says as he points to a brown haired tall guy with a nose piercing and several ear piercings. Hayes. He is followed by a guy with jet black hair and a vest top on which reveals all his arm tattoos. They both grin when they see him and start to wave. "Hey guys stop stealing all the glory." I hear a girl say just as she pushes through the two guys who just laugh. I feel my heart sink when I see a gorgeous girl appear between them and I look at Hunter for an explanation and see that his face has dropped. "Hunter!!" The girl shouts as she runs through the train station, her brown hair with blonde highlights flying out behind her. "Vicki?!" Hunter asks, amazed. He hadn't mentioned that anyone else was coming so I'm assuming he didn't know that she was. As soon as she embraces him he wraps his arms tight around her and she does the same in return. I can't help but notice how close their bodies are. He spins her around on the spot. I feel myself shrink a bit. "I missed you so much!" She says in a strong London accent. "I didn't know you were coming?" Hunter says as he lets go of her and stands, facing her. She whips her head round to glare at the two guys shortly behind her who look at each other and blush. She cuts her gorgeous green eyes at them. "Sorry." Hayes, I'm assuming, says as he walks up to him and gives him a hug, followed by Beau who joins in and makes it a group thing, then that Vicki girl hugs all three of them. I smile politely as I wait for them to notice me.

Finally, Hayes catches on and releases Hunter who returns to my side. "Guys this is Blair. Blair meet Hayes, Beau and...Vicki." He says and I smile and we each exchange hellos. "She's my girlfriend." He adds finally and the boys look at him in shock. I notice that the girl, Vicki's head drops and she looks at the ground. "What?! Why did you fail to fill us in?" Beau says loudly and I laugh nervously. "Sorry..." Hunter says and blushes before looking at the floor. "Wow Hunter. You've never had one of those before." Hayes points out and I look at Hunter in shock. "Seriously?" I ask him, surprised and the guys laugh at my response. Hunter looks down at me shyly and nods. I smile and look away. I'm his first girlfriend. Huh. "So are we staying at your place then Hunts?" The Vicki girl asks, touching his arm. Hunts? Sorry what? He looks at me nervously before nodding. "Well yeah but I only really set out two beds. I wasn't told you were coming." He says and she looks down sadly. "I'm sure you have a couch in your house Hunter?" I say and he looks at me thankfully as does the girl. "Yeah sure." He says to Vicki who grins and claps her hands. "Great!" She says and we begin walking to Hunters car leaving me wondering who the hell is Vicki?

1 month, 3 weeks

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