Chapter 36

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"I love you. So much Blair." I say quietly into her hair as she lies on my bare chest, her face is warm and glowing when she looks up at me. Her cheeks are flushed and she smiles at me and leans in to kiss me. "I love you." She whispers as she leans her forehead against mine and our noses touch. My body feels enveloped in her warmth from sleeping with her. There is no way I will ever get used to this. I feel like I could do anything and I know that sounds ridiculous but there's something about her that's different from most other people.

"I just...I don't want to lose you when you go to school." I admit to her, it's been something that's been nagging on me for a while, she's going back to school in around a month and a week. And I know this is all crazy because we've only been officially dating about three weeks but her moving still scares me anyway. "You won't. Trust me. London's not that far we can visit each other all the time." She says and smiles while trying to reassure me. I smile back and push it to the back of my mind for now. I'll bring it back up some other time, I don't want to ruin this moment.

@blairevans: 5 minutes. Not even 5 minutes :)
@huntercollins: Hey. It had been at least 4 minutes and 30 seconds since you left before I posted.
@blairevans: Yeh because that's much better.
@huntercollins: Oh shut up. Can you really blame me for missing you :)

1 week and 4 days later...

I reach over Blair to get my phone from the table next to my couch, I smile at her cheekily as our chests touch but don't do anything because my mum could walk in any minute. She's already met my mum a few times and they like each other but I decide to play it safe because I don't want to compromise anything. I open my phone to see I have a new email which is strange because I don't really get emails on this address that often. I open the app and see that it's from Island Records and feel my heart fall to my feet. "Oh my god." I say and stare at my phone screen, afraid to open the email. Blair looks at me, confused. "What?" I don't respond as I'm still frozen in my place and she looks at my phone, her face lighting up as well. "Open it." She says and I shakily click on the unopened message.

"Read it aloud." Blair says while it loads, I nod and suddenly there it is.
"Dear Mr Collins, we are emailing you to say that we have seen your videos online" I look up at Blair and she looks shocked and gestures for me to keep reading "and various other places and are now getting in touch as a label to offer to SIGN YOU!!" I shout and look at Blair, my face completely filled with joy and shock. I almost jump off of the couch and start jumping up and down like a five year old. "Oh my god Hunter this is insane!" Blair says, her voice a higher pitch as she's excited. I look back at the phone. "We are unaware of any other label to which you are signed to at the moment and therefore wanted to seize the opportunity while it was there. If this offer suits you in your career please get back in touch with us immediately and we will respond with answers to any questions and further details. Oh my god Blair this is crazy!" I jump off the couch and grab Blair's hand, pulling her up with me. Together we both jump up and down at this amazing news, Blair seeming just as excited as I. "I bet Shawn showed them you." She says happily I nod my head, it is definitely a possibility as Shawn Mendes previously liked and commented on the video of me singing to Blair that one morning. Blair freaked out, it was adorable. "Yes or my friends in the Vamps. Or anyone to be honest." I say and give her a smile, she blushes but her huge grin fails to falter.

"Hunter. I'm so proud of you." She says to me affectionately as she wraps her arms around my waist and smiles up at me, so wide that the cute dimple that I love so much appears at the corner of her left eye. I grin and kiss her dimple, being too happy to be self conscious about it or anything.


I help him to compose a letter to respond saying he will consider the offer but is thrilled to have been asked and that he'll need more details. They reply one hour later and by then we've already told his mum the good news and are lying together on his bed, fully clothed in case you were wondering. I read the message with him and I can tell that both our hearts sink a little:

Mr Collins,

We are happy to hear that you are considering our offer and will be glad to share whatever details you wish to hear. We would of course require you to come in for some meetings with officiators to help sign you on. As we understand your current residence seems to be in London however there have been a few doubts of others saying you moved. If so our offer still stands but it will prove much more difficult for you as there are a lot of meetings amongst other things that will require you to be in London for. Therefore if you do not live in London you will have a lot of travelling to do. These meetings will most likely start in 1 week and three days, on Monday where you will be required to attend a series of meetings involving your signing on to the label at our offices. Feel free to respond with any additional questions you have for us. We thank you for your consideration and hope you agree.

signed, Island Records

I look up at Hunters face which has now turned serious. They basically said he's going to have to move back to London or decline the offer. A small part of me is hoping he'll move there and we'll be together like some romance book but I know I'm selfish for thinking that and immediately push the thought back to focus on him. I smile at him as though it hasn't effected me as much as it has. "Hunter. Speak to me. This is good, right?" I urge him to speak and he swallows. "I was starting to warm up to this place." He says with a sad and slightly shaky voice. I sit up and he does so with me so that we are facing each other. I hold his face in my hands. "Hey, it's completely your choice, you don't have to take the offer. Just think about it." I tell him and he smiles, his eyes glued to mine with a look of adoration in them.

Suddenly he looks down, seemingly thinking it over, his face back to being straight. "I need to speak to my mum." He says, a brief smile flickering over his face. I nod my head and we walk downstairs, hand in hand. "I'm gonna let you two talk." I whisper in his ear when we reach the bottom of the stairs, he looks at me and nods, smiling and when he turns back to his living room door I can't help but stare at his gorgeous face, his jawline extremely sharp and prominent from the side. He hasn't let go of my hand yet so I just stand here, taking him in. I do this at least once a day because I still don't really get why someone who looks like that would date me. Just looking at him makes me go all gooey inside. I go on my tip toes and accidentally kiss his jaw instead of his cheek because I was so focused on staring at it. I immediately blush and stand back fully on my feet, his smile returns to his face as he looks at me, staring up at him and blushing. He leans in and kisses me. "It's going to be okay." He says adamantly when he pulls away and I'm not sure if he's telling me or himself. I nod anyway and slide on my shoes and coat and I'm heading out the door when he grabs my arm gently. "Blair." He spins me round so that I'm against his chest, our faces inches apart. "It's our anniversary tomorrow." He flashes his grin and I smile back and kiss him. I had completely forgotten amongst all the excitement that Hunter and I have now been dating for a full month which is apparently celebratory as Hunter has never really had a girlfriend so counts it as an achievement. He squeezes my hand before letting go and I walk away, opening the door and heading back to my house, not knowing what's going on inside his house anymore is irritating but I push on and get to my house.

2 months

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