"Maybe I-" Namjoon starts, but Jackson quickly interrupts.

"I'll go!" He hurries over yo you and pulls you out the door before you have a chance to argue. You hear a bunch of frustrated sighs and yells in the room. You shake your head and laugh.

Jackson opens your car door for you and watches you expectantly. "For you, my princess." He bows. You roll your eyes and get in. He closes the door after you before getting in the passenger seat. You wait for him to buckle his seat belt before you speed off.

"Where should we get the chicken from?" You ask.

"KFC? We have a lot of those in Korea, so they would probably like it." He answers with an unexpectedly thoughtful and not stupid response. "Although, I would love to have you for dinner." He adds, resting his hand on yours as it sits on the transmission. You gag and swat his hand away.

"Gross." You say, keeping your eyes on the road. You didn't know the hurt he had on his face for a moment before he went back to joking around.

"Ya! (Y/n)! Are you blind? Can't you see I'm handsome?" He says and you both laugh and joke all the way to the KFC.

Once there, you enter into the store and inhale the scent of fried chicken. You go to the cashier to ask if you could have ten buckets of fried chicken. You let Jackson choose the sides. He was surprised about some of the items that aren't in Korean KFCs.

"Ordering that much is fine, but we'll need time to prepare it all." The cashier says.

"How long are we talking?" You ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Thirty to forty-five minutes." He says. You nod and let the cashier know that you're going to walk around until then. You exit the store with Jackson, looking up and down the street for something to do. Eventually you just start walking. Jackson follows closely behind, glaring at any guy that dared look in your direction. After a short while, you gasp and panic slightly.

"Woah!" Jackson yelps as you push him into the ramen place you were passing. You past Jackoson slightly to see Amber sauntering past. You hid your face in Jackson's jacket. He glanced over his shoulder. Once understanding the situation, Jackson quiets down until you release him.

"You know, if you want me that bad, we can take this to your room." He winks. You hit his chest, flustered slightly by his words. He seemed pleased that his words uprooted you at least a tiny bit.

"Should we eat while we're here?" You smile and ask him. He wants to keep you all to himself, he thinks as he feels his heart twinge.

"But we just bought chicken to eat with everyone."

"I'm not really in a chicken mood, to be honest." You shrug, heading toward the counter to order yourself a bowl. After a moment, Jackson joins behind you.

"I'll have what she's having." He says, throwing a lazy arm over your shoulders.

"Oh! We're having the couple special right now, buy one get one fifty percent off!" The cashier says cheerfully. Jackson is about to correct her before you nod and agree, paying the total. His mind starts spiraling out of control. Does this mean you like him? Why would you say you were a couple? Admittedly, the deal was good, but is that all it was? He looks at you flabbergasted as you take the tray with the ramen bowls sitting on it and walk to an empty table, ignoring his stupor. You break your chopsticks and start eating without him before he comes and sits with you.

"(Y/n), why did you..." He begins.

"It was a good deal." You reply shortly, devouring your ramen. Jackson looks surprised, but then laughs loudly. You look up at him, cheeks full. "Hey, be quiet!" You try to scold him, but your cute hamster-like look only makes him laugh more. You roll your eyes and continue eating. Jackson watches you eat with great satisfaction.

"(Y/n)." He calls your name. You look up at him. "(Y/n)." He says again.

"What?" You reply.

"(Y/n)." He calls again, sweetly. You roll your eyes and go back to eating, thinking he's just messing around eat. You point at his untouched bowl with your chopsticks.

"You better eat that, don't waste it." You say. He breaks his chopsticks before slurping up some noodles.

"(Y/n), you're adorable." He says before munching on the beansprouts, causing you to choke. He quickly passes you his drink, you drinking from the straw to rinse down the lump in your throat. You don't know why this comment caught you off-guard. It just seemed so earnest and... unlike how he's been until now. You look up at him. He looks at the straw and looks back to your lips.

"You know, fans normally love when I flirt with them, you're the only one I've been honest with." You nod, not quite sure where this is going. "When I'm with you, I feel like I can relax." You raise an eyebrow at him, wondering what part of him has been relaxed. "Ah, you're thoughts are too obvious and it hurts me." He laughs. "I mean, even when I'm flirting with you, I like it. I'm having fun." You expect him to go on, saying how much he likes you, but surprisingly he leaves it there and eats his ramen. There is an awkward silence for a while until he throws an edamame at you causing you to kick his leg. You both laugh and joke while finishing your meals before heading back to the KFC to get the gigantic order.

"Maybe we should have brought more than us two, this is a lot!" You say, holding bags of chicken and sides on both arms, looking like a coat rack of sorts. Jackson looks similarly, but with more bags than you. He laughs at you as you struggle to get to your car. You both unload the bags into the car before taking a brief rest.

"It's okay if you smell like fried chicken. I like it." He laughs as he opens the door for you. You roll your eyes and get in.

This is Jackson Wang: puppy, friend, fried chicken lover. Unexpectedly thoughtful, grateful, and kind.

Lucky You (BTS x Reader x Got7 )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon