Chapter 16: Date Night (May)

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The school year was finally coming to a close with graduation less than a week away. All the seniors of the group skipped prom mostly because they simply didn't want to attend.

Noah was quickly approaching the halfway mark of his pregnancy and was feeling the side effects that came with it. He was constantly tired as the baby grew bigger and bigger inside him, requiring more of his body's energy than before. His feet were swelling and there was no hiding the fact that he was pregnant even while in his graduation gown. And apparently his 'pregnancy glow' was in full effect as his friends and family constantly complimented how adorable he looked pregnant.

Adrian, who didn't even realize Noah was pregnant until it became obvious, found whatever reason he could to feel his older brother's growing tummy. Adrian would rub it like a magic eight ball and hum a little before saying something cryptic like 'she will be a strong one' or 'this one is a warrior' before going about his day and leaving Noah confused.

Adrian, much like his parents, were hoping Noah's baby would be a girl. Sheila was basically praying for a granddaughter so Rose could have a female family member around her age to befriend.

Even though Noah didn't want to know the baby's sex he couldn't decide if he wanted the baby to be a boy or girl. He and Shade were in the process of buying baby items and while going through what he bought he realized a lot of it was mostly gender neutral. There were some items for girls and there were also items for boys too. But overall the clothes would be good for any child regardless of sex.

Shade and Noah have been spending a lot of time together. Scott joked one evening that Shade should move in with them because he was literally living in their home. Shade had most of his clothes in Noah's closet, he had his own tooth brush, soap, towels and other necessities all at Noah's house. Shade even bought groceries for the family and helped around the house or with Rose. The first thing Shade saw in the mornings was Noah and the last thing he'd see before falling asleep was Noah.

Of course, Scott was only joking. At least everyone but Noah and Shade thought he was. Noah and Shade started searching for apartments to move into. Shade's family was quite wealthy so the apartments Shade was looking up tended to be on the pricier side and in posh communities. Noah liked the apartments Shade bookmarked but he also didn't want Shade's family paying for their home.

Shade told his parents about Noah around the time Noah told his own parents. Shade's parents were less than pleased about the situation. They saw Noah in a less than flattering light but since he was carrying their grandchild they held their tongues and offered to help for the child's sake.

Shade didn't want their help, he had saved up more than enough money to support Noah and the baby. He only told his parents out of obligation, not need. Plus, he knew that they would rarely be present in his child's life much like they were in his. The only time Shade's parents have ever shown any sort of affection towards him was when they gifted him his Porsche on his sixteenth birthday. But even that gift was bitter sweet seeing as each of his siblings got a Porsche for their sixteenth birthdays as well. It was just another birthday for his parents, the only birthday they seemed to really care about.

Shade, Noah and Adrian were all in Noah's room. Shade sat on the bed with a laptop on a pillow scrolling through decently priced apartments since Noah wanted to get a job and pay rent also.

Noah sat on the floor with Adrian braiding the tweens hip length hair while Adrian scrolled through his laptop looking up information about Carriers.

Since Adrian found out that Noah had a dominant Carrier gene he wanted to know if there was a way to figure out if someone had the gene without having to discover it through a pregnancy like Noah. Adrian found the topic of Carriers and Seeds interesting; he felt like they were special even if the rest of the world didn't agree. Adrian was excited to be an uncle even though he was still in middle school.

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