Chapter 1 [Edited]

Start from the beginning

‘Oh, no it’s okay just as long as you don’t tweet about anything, sweetie.’ She smiled at Lexi and she smiled back. Lauren walked away and I turned to Lexi, brushing me dirty blonde hair off my shoulder.

‘I’m going to get my hair and make up done, okay. Just make new friends.’ I winked and walked to the hair and make up cabin.

‘Hi, I’m Clara-Rose.’ I announced to the 3 girls around their twenties who were inside.

‘Clara...' The girl with bleached purple hair said quietly to herself as if trying to pinpoint who I was. 'Okay, I remember what to do now.’ She said and sat me down in a chair after introducing herself as Lou.

She didn’t take that long on me. She made me look natural and straightened my hair out of it’s waves and tied it up. She dressed me in a blue singlet with denim shorts and a black bikini underneath. She told me that I could keep all the clothes I was wearing because they don't really mind.

‘Hey, Lou, do you know where my...’ A british accent started but stopped. I ignored him, knowing it wasn't my converastion to listen to and began touching up my make up. Lou, who I’m pretty sure is the make up artist, laughed a bit.

‘What’s up, Zayn?’ Lou asked him.

‘Oh, um, I was wondering if you knew where I put my phone. I think I left it here.’ He continued. I can see him stealing glances my way in the mirror but I thought nothing of it. 

‘Um, thanks, Lou. I’ll be outside.’ I said as I grabbed my phone and put it into my back pocket. She smiled and nodded, waving me goodbye. I walked out of the cabin after sneaking a glimpse of Zayn. He had black hair that was styled into a 'quiff'. His eyes were hazel brown and a very prominant jawline.

Honestly, I'm not looking for a relationship. I particularly don't like relationships within the working area. It's not only bad luck but it ends very badly. Plus, he doesn’t even look that hot... Okay, that was a big lie, he's incredibly hot. But still. 

‘Rose!’ Lexi screamed and I caught sight of her running towards me.

‘Hey, Lex.’ I smiled at her. But when I looked into her eyes I noticed how she was trying to contain the inner fangirl in her.

‘You’re doing a music video with One Direction.’ She said as calmly as possible. She was grinning from ear to ear. I could tell how she wanted to scream it out loud and jump up and down. I rolled my eyes at her antics.

‘They’re not even that cute.’ I lied.

‘Not even that cute? Rose, they’re sex gods!’ She grabbed my arm and squeezed tightly. I laughed as her hazel eyes went wide when she saw someone behind me. I turned around to see Zayn walking towards me, his shoulders moving side to side.

‘Hi, I think you’re needed...I’m sorry, what’s your name?’ He asked.

‘I’m Clara.’ I smiled at him. He smiled back and I felt Lexi’s hand squeeze my arm even tighter.

‘Oh, you’re needed, Clara.’ He smiled again and walked off.

‘How can you think they’re not cute?’ She whisper-yelled to me. 

‘Because they’re not.’ I laugh, knowing full well that I'm lying. ‘I gotta go, Lex. Remember no photos or tweets and shizzles. Behave.’ I sent her a mock pointed look. She nodded like a five-year-old.

I left her and followed Zayn to where I needed to be.

‘Okay, Clara. Meet One Direction.’ Lauren pointed to 5 boys to which Zayn was part of.

‘Hi, boys.’ I smiled and put my hand forward for handshake.

‘Oh, how cute. She wants to shake our hands. Girl, we hug.’ The one with stripes said and pulled me in for a hug. I'm not comfortable with any type of affection. Hugging, kissing, holding hands, the whole lot. It makes me feel like they're violating my personal space. I awkwardly patted his back.

‘So, um, who’s who?’ I asked when the striped-shirted guy pulled away.

‘I’m Liam.’ The one with a white shirt smiled and pulled me into a hug.

‘I’m Harry.’ The one with curls and a blue plaid shirt said, joining in. My eyes widened at the sandwich I found myself in and I patted both their arms that were under my neck. They pulled away and grinned, completely oblivious to my uncomfortability.

‘I’m Niall.’ An irish with a blue shirt said, thrusting his hand froward. I internally sighed in relief at his formality.

‘I’m Louis.’ The one with stripes shouted excitedly.

‘And I’m Zayn but you already know that.’ And he winked like he was some hot shot. I refrained from rolling my eyes at him.

‘And I’m Clara.’ I said again. This is strictly business and I reserve Clara for anything work related. I felt a nudge on my ribs and I turned to find Lexi standing next to me. I never noticed how she followed me. 'And, um this is my friend Lexi.' I said. Lexi smiled and hugged them all. 

‘Hi, guys.’ She chirped when she finished hugging Zayn.

‘Okay, guys. Let’s start making this video.’ Lauren boomed from the megaphone.



And there you have it. I bet you can guess which guy falls for her ;).

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