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*magical time skip*


The shrill screech of the alarm clock fills the air in my room. I slam the alarm and sound makes way for my first thought: "This is not how a relaxing Sunday starts." I emerge from my room in the middle of the living area, which was still dark and quiet. I assume everyone is asleep, it's too early anyway to wake up.

I was hungry since last night and I was craving for anything instant and I just knew some Ramen will be perfect.

I took my lead towards the kitchen to get some survival food and a glass of my favorite wine. Damn! That's some real life.
I might lose my mind if I won't eat it right now so I decided to go out in the garden because why not, it's not like I always wake up this early on Sundays. Now that I have, I have food along and my wine. I stepped out and it was quiet and cold I liked it. I run towards the table nearby and settled myself there sinking my back in the garden couch. It was comfortable.

Just when I was about to eat my first bite of heaven someone's footsteps rings me, no way I'm not sharing my food with anyone not this early, not even with Jungguk and Taehyung. I just lay down blocking my site from being seen but it wasn't.

Well, it was not hard to recognize him. He is only the shortest mochi in the house with his extra large nightclothes. Why is he like this? I was just going to him, maybe I would have surprised him with a big hug but before I could step he turned towards me totally unaware of my presence. I am sure of it.

I saw him, he was crying I know and it was heartbreaking to see him like this.

'Please just get away from me. Why are you doing this? Ain't you already destroyed me enough huh?', Jimin snapped crying. I haven't seen him like this ever but I think it has something to do with that dream.
I needed to know otherwise I will not be able to help him. I run towards him. He needed me I know.

'Jimin, what is going on? Why are you crying? Just settle down first, come with me.' I hold his hands and dragged him to the couch. He sat with his face hang low. I can't understand what to do he was crying, just there in front of me. I just hugged him. His head buried in my chest he started crying harder that when I knew it's much serious then I thought.

I sat on my knees in front of him and raised his head a bit. His eyes were red, puffy and his nose was snotty; his cheeks were red and lips trembling badly. I cupped his cheeks and smiled at him. I wish it made him relaxed.

'Jimin, I'm with you. Every day and every time, tell me I know there is something and trust me Jimin I'll help you. You trust me right?'

'H-hyung', he said and sobs a bit ' I don't want you to hate me. I can't tell.'

'Jiminie, look here just look at me and listen to me carefully and mind my words in your pea-sized brain I'll never ever hate you. Okay? Understand.' I smiled with the hope maybe he feels a little bit comforted now.
'Now tell me what happened? Who is troubling you?' I just bind his palms with mine and patted them softly for a few time.

'There is someone umm... someone blackmailing me for a long time. That person gives me threatful calls and texts and I don't know what to do. I feel like dying, I even tried many time but I couldn't gather my courage. I hate myself hyung. I'm so weak and stupid.' Jimin just started crying again once he stops with his words.

'ONE SECOND! Am I hearing it right Jimin? Did you just say to you, you tried to harm yourself? Wtf were you thinking Park Jimin? Why the hell would you do that, huh? Why didn't you come to me or anybody else, don't you trust us? Jimin everyone here loves you so much that you can't imagine so just please never ever try it doing again else I' don't know what will I do. Okay? Promise me that you will come to us for your problems and will never ever even think about harming yourself again.' I was feeling broken, he was going through a lot alone. Why couldn't I see it before?

'Now tell me who is troubling you and don't you dare to skip any damn detail.' He just nodded in reply.


I know I'm hanging you guys at the edge but I'll update soon so that stay tuned. I love you ❤


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