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'Oh, it's nothing Jimin'. Yoongi was stuck on denial about his erotic dream he had with Jimin.

'But hyung I felt that it was something serious. You were calling out my name. Tell me, please.' Jimin asked with more pressure this time

Yoongi tried to distract Jimin with something else. He tried to tell him off with different but genuine feelings he had for him.

'Jimin I want to tell you that how I feel about you but in a proper way. I just didn't spend that night with you purely because I was drunk but because I do feel something for you, if someone else knocked that door that night I would have not behaved in that way but it was you. I hope you get it Jimin. I do feel for you and I know so do you. I'll not hurt you more but I want to confess it like how normal people do it, not just like that. I want you to feel special Jimin when I talk about my feelings for you. Just wait till we get back to Seoul.' Yoongi ended his words with a soft kiss on Jimin's cheek. He was blushing and so does the younger.

They all reached to the airport on time and the huge crowd of the army gathered around the airport just to have their sight and wish them a safe journey. Like always they passed smiles and waved to each of them. It was so difficult to maintain the space between the army and them. Everyone wanted to touch them, many of them were crying out of happiness, all sort of emotions. It was a blessing to see them so close, so real.

Seokjin entered first. He was dressed in a plain black jacket and pants with a basic white t-shirt paired with black glossy finish shoes. He looked of course worldwide handsome as always.

Hoseok as always was rocking the airport look with his baggy brown long coat with black jeans. He put his black beanie and white shoes along.
Tae shared the epic airport look with him. He simply carried his block printed long V-neck cardigan with basic black tee and jeans and his favourite Gucci chain. He was looking gorgeous.

RM entered with Jungguk. They both were kind of twining. It was not so hard to identify that JK was more than happy to walk beside his favourite hyung in an almost similar outfit. They both paired a blue denim jacket with ripped jeans and a basic white t-shirt. Jk was carrying his possession (camera within its iconic black bag)

It was a treat to all the Yoonmin shippers looking at Jimin and Yoongi stepping in together, above all Yoongi was holding Jimin's small hands softly walking ahead of him. Yoongi was in his favourite all-black outfit and Jimin was flaunting his booty in tight black jeans and yellow oversized shirt and a black beanie. Aww... They are adorable together

They all rushed inside the flight took their seats. V and Jk asked Jimin to sit with them and of course, he could not deny but Yoongi felt bad. He wanted to sit with Jimin but obviously, he can't ask him to do it in front of everyone else. He took his seat beside J-hope, his human charger.

It wasn't even an hour properly and Yoongi started to doze off. It was a more than 15 hours flight journey and Yoongi was already in his dreamland. Slowly his head tilts on Hoseok's shoulder, Hoseok didn't seem to mind. Hoseok was busy listening to music and looking at out the clouds, might be thinking about some new lyrics.

The maknae line was busy in taking selcas and making weird videos, all those were hitting straight Twitter. Jimin approaches Jin and RM who were busy in talking God knows what for a picture to share with the army.

'Mission Accomplished.' Jimin cheered in his baby voice as he clicked both of them and walked towards Hoseok and Yoongi.

He saw Yoongi already asleep but on Hoseok shoulder. It wasn't hard to make out that he was jealous, not in a bad way but he wanted to be the shoulder Yoongi can lean on even when he needs to sleep.  Hoseok was familiar with the fact that they both have something going on. He was pretty smart at catching up such things.

'Oh, Jimini you want something?' Hoseok said before Jimin feels worse.

'No! hyung. I was just here to capture the picture of both of you to post it for the army but I see Yoongi hyung is already asleep. Maybe later.' Jimin said in low voice, not wanting to attract much attention.
He starts to walk away to his seat when Hoseok stops him.

'Jimini, will you please change seats with me. Yoongi hyung's head is so heavy and I don't know till when he is going to sleep maybe all the time and I don't want to be the victim. Please...' Hoseok fake plead in front of him. Jimin took the deal before Hoseok can add anything further. Only he knew how happy he was to change seats next to Yoongi.

'Don't worry Hobi Hyung. Little Jimini is on duty.' He said and fake a salute which made Hobi bust into a laugh.

Carefully and slowly, without disturbing Yoongi they both exchanged their seats. Jimin touches Yoongi's head softly and tilts it towards his shoulder happily. He crossed his legs and plugged in his earphones and played some soft music. He shut his eyes with the slow music in the background. In no time he was asleep resting his head on Yoongi's head.

Hoseok went to V and Jk and explained how he escaped from the heavy head and sleeping monster called Yoongi hyung. Jk start laughing when he peeped into Jimin's seat and found him sleeping too but V wasn't that pleased with the whole scene.

'You guys talk, I think I'll take a nap.' V said and took an empty section of the seat. He put his eye mask and just lay quietly. He wasn't sure why he always gets off when he saw someone else with Jimini but it always pisses him off. He tried to justify his inner voice with the thoughts on how they both are best friends and agree to the term soulmates. Maybe that's the reason he gets off when someone spends time with his best friend.


#army 💜
After a long gap, I know but I was so busy in my internship. I hope you guys like this chapter. I'll try to be more active and will surely post a new chapter tomorrow.
I love you guys❤

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