Chapter 26 (and 2 announcements)

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Announcement 1. I'm done changing my book cover cause I drew myself one. (Picture above but don't mind the ear it's trash I hate doing them)

Announcement 2. It's officially been a year since I started this book so thank you all for reading this far!

Your POV

I woke up next to Cody hanging his legs off the bed. I checked the time. 8:30. It's so damn early. I through on a oversized sweatshirt. I walked downstairs into the kitchen. Dan must of set up the coffee maker cause 3 cups were out and the coffee maker was plugged in. I made myself a cup and decided to walk in our backyard. BZZT. I pick up my phone

"Hello?" I said calmly.
"Hey Y/N!". It was Maxx.
"Omg how've you been?" I said excitedly.
"I'm well, most of my memories came back and I get to come home today!" He said sounding like a little kid that just got a new toy.
"No way! I'll be there in about 20. You hung up and quickly got dressed, brushed my teeth, and kissed Cody on the forehead and left. You left a note on your side of the bed so he doesn't get worried that you're gone. You got ready and you headed out the door.

You drove for what felt like 3 hours but was really an hour. You pulled in a parking spot in the gigantic lot and you locked the car and headed in. You saw some girls looking at you and whispering. One of them said "Hey your that girl who's with Cody Carson and Maxx Danziger. You're a player!". You stuck up your middle finger and kept walking to the sign out sheet at the front desk. You saw Maxx come out and you guys hugged. You finished signing him out and you guys walked to your car. As you guys were opening the car doors someone screamed "ITS MAXX DANZIGER!". You guys quickly got in, locked the door, seatbelts buckled and you drove off.

After you guys got to the knew house you remembered Maxx doesn't have anything at the house so you guys decided to go shopping. You caught him up on all the drama that's been happening. You guys decided to a go to a mall but before you guys left the car you had to put on sunglasses and hats/caps (whichever y'all prefer). When you guys walked in the first store you headed to was (any store name you want). You and Maxx walked to the men's section to find him clothing.

^*^ After finding clothes ^*^

You guys spent at least 3 hours in the mall looking for clothes and Cody called twice but you left your phone in the car. 'Smart move' you said to yourself as you guys started driving home.

After you guys got Maxx's room settled, he'd have to sleep on the couch since he doesn't have a bed in his room yet. Cody ran down the stairs with a baseball bat thinking someone broke in because Maxx dropped a glass cup. 'Very clumsy' you say to yourself as you pick up the shattered pieces carefully.

After you guys ordered Pizza for dinner, you all decided to walk around the neighborhood. The problem was you guys had to stay close since the Dan problem. "So who do you think it was?" Maxx asked with tension. "I personally think it was Shay" Cody said with stiffness. "I think it was Zach and Shay". I said while squinting into the distance. "Hey...guys who that person coming at us?" I said while realizing he's running at us. "SHIT RUN!" Cody panicky screamed. I feel bad that Maxx has to go through this when he just got back. I grabbed Maxx's and Cody's hands and we ran at least a mile. The guy in black was still chasing after us. Maxx found a big stick and he through it at the guy but he dodged it. "Great throw!" Cody said in frustration. All of a sudden you feel dragged down because the guy in black got you. You screamed and kicked but Cody and Maxx Jumped on top of him and they ripped off the mask.

"DAN?!" you all screamed at the same time. "Surprise..?" He said nervously. "I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA DIE SINCE I MISSED THROWING THE STICK!" Maxx said furiously. "You really do have bad aim Maxx". "So who broke our window then?" Cody said helping you up. "A bird hit the window and it shattered and it gave the idea so scare you all so I decided to write a note with crappy handwriting and leave it where the glass was" He said getting up and brushing the dirt off himself. "Birds don't break windows. Unless it was diving" Maxx said. "Well your a straight up jackass" I said while punching him. "I'm sorry guys but welcome home Maxx" Dan said hugging Maxx. "Thanks. I'm pretty tired I'm ready to head back".

Everyone agreed and decided to go home. Dan made it the worst night but at least he wasn't captured and now you guys need to do is buy furniture and replace the broken window.

'Bing. I looked at my phone and the remind to meet Sèan is tomorrow. I forgot about that. It's like been a year without seeing him everyday giving me coffee and having a small chat. I've been so caught up in the drama that I haven't seen my childhood friend and now we're seeing each other again and I wonder what it's going to be like..'


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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