Chapter 25

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(This Short 'Chapter' is all in your mind that you were thinking the night Dan got kidnapped).

Criminal Minds..

How could this have possibly happened. Who is it? Why did they take Dan? He's a nice guy in all but like where's Zach- wait.. what ever happened to Zach? WAIT.. IS ZACH BEHIND THIS ALL? Oh my god. I understand it all now. It all makes sense. He got together with Shay and they hooked up but then Shay fell for Cody and Zach and Shay hid their kid for a while and then Shay decided to try to tell Cody that was his kid even know I already found out it was Zach's kid and then Shay begged Cody to not leave and before we left their old house I saw Zach kick Shay into a tree. Zach is the bad guy!
(Duh. (Billie Eilish music starts playing xD) Lmfao no pun intended).

Zach liked me. Explains why he got Maxx and Cody to fight over me that one day and then when I went to my old apartment my ex Austin was there and he was beat up. And Shay wants Cody. So they're behind this all. This is why Maxx is in the hospital, Cody is over protective and jealous, and Dan is kidnapped. Wow. Who would of thought that I would be the one to figure out all of this.

I went and reached out for the phone from the nightstand. I went through my contacts..
'Seán McLoughlin'

(I redid chapter 1 so I think you should read it so you will understand)

Hmm.. I decided to text him.
"Hey, Seán! It's me Y/N. I remember you gave me your number that time I went to the coffee shoppe. Sorry I haven't texted you in so long. Just been busy with life. Ya know?". I hesitated to hit send. I sent it. I decided to close my eyes and then- BING. I looked over and it's Seán. "Hey Y/N. After like a century you decided to text me. Haha jk. Ye I understand. So what's up?".... Him and I texted all night and I didn't get sleep. We talked and got caught up on a lot of things. Though.. I didn't trust him enough to tell him about Maxx in the hospital or my ex boyfriend trying to get with me again. But I can't text anything because it's too risky. I told him we have to meet in person. And we are in the next two days.


A/N: (please read)
Hello! I'm back again with writing and sorry this was so short. I'm kinda focused on my new FanFic book for Maxx Danziger fans. It's called
'The "Wallstreet" Guy'. I've been working on it for a long time since May and I just decided to post it. If you're interested go to my profile and check it out :). Other than that, I'm finishing this book. I think I'm going to end it around Chapter 30-32. I will go back in the chapter and re do them so they make sense. And since this is was first book, it's trash. So yeah. Other than that, I thank y'all for reading this far and hope to see you soon. Bye :)!

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