➳ argument.

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Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

     Yesterday me and Johnny got in a huge argument.It was kind of Johnny's fault and we both knew it.But for some reason neither me or him wanted to accept it.

     "Y/n you're being fucking stupid.You know I love you why are you acting like this?"

     I looked at him through my wet eyelashes.I shook my head and scoffed.He doesn't get it.

     "Don't you get it Johnny?Don't you understand how I feel when you leave in the morning, come back extremely late, for a freaking week straight?And that's not the best part of it all.You told me you were working at the studio and shit but in actuality you were hanging out with your ex.Your fucking ex John!The one who hates my guts and probably wants me dead!"

     "Okay so you're apparently saying that you don't trust me with any of my female friends?Thank you so fucking much y/n!"sarcasm dripping in his voice at the last sentence.

     More tears welled up in my eyes.It's not like I didn't trust him with other girls.Hell I trusted him with my life.But Johnny's ex wasn't a normal type of ex.Oh hell no.She was the clingy type of ex that would do anything to get rid of his current girlfriend.Which in this case was me.

     "Johnny stop it.You should understand this.I trust you.I fucking trust you with my life.But I don't trust Megan.Not one bit.Johnny, everyone knows she still has feelings for you."

     "Stop assuming shit y/n.Honestly I can't even with you right now!"his harsh tone made me flinch.He had never talked to me that way.Ever.But if he thinks he can walk out of this argument like this he is wrong.

     "John if you think you're gonna walk away in the middle of an argument you're wrong.You're gonna sit your ass on that couch and try to understand.Put yourself in my shoes.What would you do, if I, for a week straight, hung out with Ace, and lied to you telling you I was at work.Think about that Johnny and don't just start assuming shit.I was worried sick about you every single fucking day.And the most amazing part of it all is that you weren't even the one to tell me what you were really doing.It was freaking Hayden John.Honestly were you ever gonna tell me?Or am I too much for you to handle?Well when you learn how to properly commit in a relationship come and apologise to me."

     Without sparing a second glance at him I stormed upstairs and locked myself in my room.I sobbed silently.I've always been insecure.I've always thought Johnny was too good for me.But I was mostly insecure of Megan.Even tho she had a not-so-great personality she was gorgeous.She had long brown hair that fell down her waist.Her piercing blue eyes and her great body is what made guys like her even more.Johnny and Megan had dated for one year and a half, but they broke things off because of Megan moving to New York for her modelling career.But now that she was back I had noticed Johnny getting more distant towards me.And it broke my heart.I loved him with my whole freaking heart and I couldn't stand the thought of living without him.But I didn't wanna confront Johnny about this.I didn't wanna seem annoying or clingy.But today I had had enough.

     Suddenly someone knocked.I held back a sob, knowing too well who it was."Go away Johnny.Please.I don't wanna talk to you right now.Maybe a little later.Just-not now"

     I heard him sigh."Y/n I'm fucking sorry.So so sorry.I can't even imagine how it has been like for you this past week.I probably made you feel like shit.Megan doesn't mean anything to me baby.Nothing at all.You're my everything and you know it.God, I don't think I'll be able to forgive myself for how shitty and fucking stupid I've been to you.You've probably lost all trust in me and I don't blame you.Not at all.Just please y/n.Please forgive me.I will not talk to any other female if that makes you happy.Fucking hell I'd do anything to make you happy.Just open that door and stop crying please."

     I had tears in my eyes as I listened to Johnny's speech.I knew he really was sorry.I could tell by the sorrow in his voice.I got up and unlocked the door.I saw him walking towards the living room.He heard the door open and turned towards me.His eyes were red and puffy, showing me that he had been crying.

     I speed walked towards him and hugged him tight.I felt him kiss the top of my head."I love you y/n.Only you.You're my one and only."

     "I love you too Johnny.Oh god I love you so much it freaking hurts."

     I felt Johnny's breath in my ear."What are you thinking about love?"

     I pressed a kiss to his jawline."Nothing babe."


yeah its been a few days since i last uploaded but like i was kinda sick so forgive me.also i feel really fucking great cuz i go for summer holiday in a few days.but idk if i'll be able to upload for like a week so sorry lmao.but the moment i come back i promise i'll update each book.hehe.

"We were closer than close, at our worst we were better than most
Now it's over, lately I've been wonderin' how you are"

"Deep down"

Johnny Orlando

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