➳ daddy.

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     It's been three weeks.Three weeks since I started not to feel really well.I've been getting morning sickness from time to time and I kept getting dizzy without a particular reason.

     Today I was over at Lauren's since Johnny had gone on a business trip two weeks ago.I decided to talk to her about my symptoms.After I explained it to her she looked at me with wide eyes.

     "Y/n.Um-have you guys ever-you know-did it without a c-condom?"she said while stuttering from embarrassment.I wouldn't wanna talk about my brother's sex life either.

     It finally dawned on me.She thought I was pregnant.Last time me and Johnny did it was two days before he left for his business trip.I can't even remember if we used protection or not.That night was quite something.

     But everything started to add up.Morning sickness,dizziness,the weirdest cravings possible.I looked at Lauren and said "Come with me to the store so we can buy some pregnancy tests."

     Lauren had this huge goofy grin in her face.The both of us ran towards my car and tried to go there as fast as possible.The moment we reached the store, I grabbed 4 pregnancy tests and some other products just in case.

     After we arrived at the house I went to the bathroom.I didn't waste any time to take my underwear off and try the tests.I put two of them on top of the cupboard and went outside the bathroom.I put a timer on my phone for 3 minutes.

     The alarm rang.I looked at Lauren.That's when I started feeling scared.Was I ready to be a mother?Would John want a child at freaking 20 years old?Especially since he was extremely busy with his career and stuff.

     "Lauren I-I-I don't think I can do this.What if Johnny doesn't want a child?What if he leaves me and the unborn child alone?I'm scared Lolo!"

     "Y/n you're being stupid believe me.Johnny loves you.I'm pretty sure that he will be extremely happy to have a child with you.But we don't know if you're pregnant yet.So get your ass off of this bed and go check the tests!'

     I looked at Lauren and let out a shaky breath.I started walking towards the bathroom.My feet were shaking.Scratch that, my whole body was shaking.I opened the door and walked towards the counter.I took the test in my hand.I froze.

     Tears started streaming down my cheeks.I put my shaky hand on top of my mouth so I could prevent the sobs being heard.Lauren walked inside the bathroom and gave me a hug.Then she looked at the test.

     The test was positive.I was pregnant with Johnny Vincent Orlando's child.I couldn't stop the tears streaming out of my cheeks.I was so excited to be a mother, but I was also scared.I was scared Johnny would leave me, not because he didn't love me, but because he would be scared to take care of a child and have the responsibility of being a dad at legit the age of 20.

     After calming down me and Lauren sat in my bed.I still couldn't wrap my head around the thought that I was gonna be a mother.Suddenly Lauren spoke.

     "Y/n.You know that you have to tell Johnny, right?"

     "Lauren, of course I'm gonna tell Johnny!But I'd rather tell him face-to-face.I can't tell him he's gonna be a dad over text or a phone call."

     "Of course I know that.It's just that I thought since you were scared you wouldn't tell him.You know?"

     "Yeah I get where you're coming from.But I could never hide something this big to him.Especially since he is a huge part of this."

     Johnny's POV (one week later)

     The moment I walked out of my gate I saw y/n.We ran towards each other like some love sick couple.Which we probably were.I hugged her tight.Suddenly I felt the back of my shirt getting wet.Y/n was crying.

     "Baby, baby look at me.What's wrong?"

     "Nothing John I swear I'm just happy to see you."

     I felt like something was off.I was scared for some reason.What if y/n was lying?What if something happened to her but she doesn't trust me enough to tell me?

     I shrugged the feeling off and put an arm around her small waist.We walked out of the airport and headed home.The car ride was silent.An awkward silent.Me and y/n were never awkward with each other.

     The moment we entered the house y/n ran upstairs and slammed the bathroom door shut.I ran after her.

     "Baby, what's wrong?Please open the door!"i kept knocking on the door so y/n would open it.

     "Johnny, promise that whatever I show or tell you now, you won't leave me?"she asked thru sobs.To say I was scared was an understatement.I was terrified.I loved y/n too much to ever do anything to hurt her.I shook my head and answered with a yes.

     The bedroom door opened.There stood y/n, with a tear stained face and red puffy eyes.I hugged her close to my body and stroked her hair.Suddenly I noticed something on her left hand.I looked at it.A pregnancy test.

     I was shocked.Was y/n pregnant?Was it even my baby?I shook my head.Of course it was my baby.I trusted y/n enough to know that she would never cheat on me.Ever.Wait, that means I'm gonna be a dad.Holy shit.

     "Y/n-um-is that a-a-pregnancy test?"

     She let out a quiet sob and looked up to meet my eyes."Yeah John.It is.Look I get it if you don't wanna be a dad but-"

     "I'm gonna be a dad?Holy shit y/n!"

     I picked her up and twirled her around from excitement.I was extremely happy to be a dad.Even though we were a little young I knew that I would love this baby more than my own self.

     "Wait.So you're happy?"asked y/n while staring at me with a hopeful gaze in her eyes.

     "I'm not happy y/n.Im fucking ecstatic!I can't wait to be a father.And I can't wait for you to be my baby's momma.I'm so lucky to have you in my life y/n you have no idea."

     "I love you babe."

     "I love you too y/n.Thanks for gifting me the most precious gift that I wouldn't want from anyone else in this world."


hah I'm running out of ideas.bro this sucks but i just found this in my drafts so i guess it'll work for now.*sigh*but um yeah.my chapters will start getting less crappy i promise. 

"We're speeding through red lights into paradise

'Cause we've no time for getting old"


Troye Sivan

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