Will We Ever Met Again? (Short Story)

Start from the beginning

"I believe so." She agrees. She lets go and wanders over to their record player. She grabs her favorite vinyl and begins placing it on the player. "I always thought of you when I heard this song. It seemed like a song you would enjoy."

As she walks back to him, the song blares into the living room. He grins, grabbing her waist as she places her hands around his neck. "Ah. It's Been A Long, Long Time with Kitty Kallen. Yes, I do enjoy this one."

"It's the perfect amount of slow and upbeat." Peggy says. Gently, they twirl around the room, staring at each other. This was the feeling they were missing from their lives. They never had the chance to hold each other. They weren't allowed to feel this sense of peace and love while the war was going on.

As the song plays on, Peggy's arms fall from his neck and rest on his waist. She lays her head against his chest, hearing his heart beating out of control. The thumping reassures her that he's really here and not some dream. This is her Steve. The Steve that had saved everyone and took his life in the process. She doesn't really understand how, but he's alive and from the future looking like the last day she had seen him years ago.

Steve takes a deep breath, his arms tightening around her. He never thought he'd have her in his arms. Peggy was always something he could never have. Something that was taken from him without his consent. He closes his eyes and rests his cheek against her head. He tries to hold back tears as he holds her for the last time. This is everything he's imaged and more.

His heart swells with pain and content as the song ends for the fourth and final time. They both know he has to leave, but neither one wants to let go first. They're finally together and it seems like it's only been seconds since he appeared on the doorstep.

"Peggy, I've got to go." He croaks, removing his head from her's. She looks up at him, her brown eyes bloodshot.

"I know." She quietly cries.

He bends down a final time, kissing her forehead. They close their eyes, staying still. He stops then presses his forehead to hers. They let out a few tears and sniffs then release each other.

"Goodbye, Peggy." He says, not bothering to wipe his face. He walks backwards, keeping his eyes on her.

"Steve, wait." She calls, reaching into him.

"Peggy, I have to go. I can't stay here."

"No, wait. Please."

"If I stay any longer I won't be able to leave you. Please don't do this to me."

"Steven, listen to me." She demands. He pauses, clearly trying to keeping his compose. He has to stay strong for her. As much as he loves, he knows that they can't be together. He has to go back and let her go.

"Will I ever see you again?" She asks.

He's silent, unsure what to say.

"Please tell me. Will we ever met again?" She begs, walking to him. She places her hands on his chest. "I have to know." She quietly adds.

He grabs her hands, holding them one last time. "Someday. It'll be decades from now. You'll have forgotten about me by then, but when my eyes met yours again, it's like we never parted. Like time stopped and we're back in Brooklyn and I'm still my skimpy, pathetic self." He laughs.

"Your pre-serum, kind, handsome, generous self." She says with a chuckle.

"Exactly." He grins. He places his lips to her hands then backs out the front door. "Goodbye, Peggy."

"Goodbye, Steve." She says, holding her hands to her chest.

"I'll always love you." He adds.

"I'll always love you, too." She says, choking back tears. She watches him walk down the sidewalk, leaving her for good. Once she knows he's truly gone, she collapses in the arm chair just a few feet away. She sobs her heart out, listening to their song play on repeat.

Once she feels she's completely dry of emotion, she stands and turns off the player. She returns the vinyl to its place on the shelf and walks to the bathroom to clean her face. She knows she must go on for Steve. She got her dance with him. She got to have his strong arms hold her one last time. She knows she's not allowed to talk to anyone about this, but she secretly decides to dedicate the rest of her work to Steve. After all, there are other heroes like him out there, somewhere.

For some reason, I really don't like the idea of Steve staying in the past with Peggy. I think it would better off with him getting a final dance and goodbye with her, but returning back to his timeline. Maybe he could find someone (definitely not Sharon) and settle down and have his own family.

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