| Chapter 32 : Keep It That Way |

Start from the beginning

,, nothing .." I muttered out in a sigh as I turned away ready to he's dbaxk upstairs.

Returning kyungsoo to that messed up place never left me feeling good about myself It always made me feel like I'm handing him over to it but I can't force him to stay away either. He wants to return that because it's his father.

,, jongin " mum stopped me with that call and placing her hands on her hips as she stepped forward to stand besides dad. ,, what bruises and scars is your father talking about ?"  Her eyes signalled me that they were obviously suspecting me aswell.

,, it wasn't me ! I'm always careful with him you know that "

I bit onto my bottom lip when they looked a little regretful.. kyungsoo knows my dad saw it so would he mind if I .. somehow I wanted to . I needed advice to know what to do next.

,, it.. " yet i didnt kmow how to explain this mess he was living, in a few words.,, it's complicated .."

[This was the past in jongins pov now it's back in the present in chanyeols pov]

We were currently walking through the forest collecting some sort of herbs. some of them smelled pretty strong which wasn't that please to my sensetive nose as I was carrying them.

ever since we went out it had been quiet. he was focused on finding them and just handed me them as it was slowly becoming more and more in my arms.
,, what are all these for again ?"

He didn't move his eyes to me as he kept looking around the bushes and the ground.
,, baek ?"

He turned to me looking at the herbs in my arms .
,, ah ! You can not squeeze them in your hold !" He complained loudly sorting them in my arms again when I tried to lessen my grip on them.

,, I asked what all this is for after all ?" I questioned again when he was busy with the herbs in my hold.

,, to numb his pain, and possibly make him heal f-faster after I'll have the baby taken out "
His voice got quieter near the end of his sentence when he stopped fumbling with the herbs and looking the ground away from me.

,, and ?." I pushed already knwoig where this was going ,, what about the ritual ?"

He kept quiet at that and I sighed moving the herbs to lay only in one arm when I moved my other to title his head up before cupping his cheek and I looked into his eyes as they lit up in green lightning up with mine.
,, I know we're not meant to end like this.. it doesn't feel right "
I muttered losing myself in thoughts as my thumb drew circles over his smooth cheek.

,, I do not want kyungsoo to die. If we can not find another life to take .. it will cost his " he closed his eyes nuzzling my hand
,, it's not fair "

,, no it isn't ... " he was about to lean against me when a cracking scream appeard out of nowhere making me groan as I dropped all the herbs and flinched back holding my ears in pain.

Baekhyun instantly pulled out his daggers but before I either of us could react, a huge vampire jumped onto him grabbing onto his shirt and flying further through the trees.

I sucked in a harsh breath when I hurriedly ran after them jumping through the Bush I growled loudly as I shifted before I landed back on the ground as my wolf.

Baekhyun was struggling underneath the huge vampire as it's wings created a strong wind. It slamming now and then against them trees making the leads fall from it.

I growled even louder and it's head finally turned to me as it showed it's teeth openly hissing at me in a high pitched scream and I snarled at it when it moved finally getting them it tried to jump but I thought quiecker as I angled my head ready for it to come

I attempted to bite his neck but only manage to scratch it when it tried lunging at me with its claws.
It managed to scratch my arm but I was too busy to pay mind to it when I caught a wing of it and it screamed out when I bit down feeling and hearing the small bones in it break.

My back paws dug into the ground as it tried to move away and i turned my head knowing how to make its entire wing useless to it now before i let go and was about to jump on its back as it was now weak unable to balance itself with both wings opened.

But Baekhyun yelled coming before me with a jump out of nowhere to land on its back as he dug the dagger into it neck at once.

It stopped struggling as much and I watched as it fell completely coughing out it's own blood before baekhyun twisted the knife and finally killed it.

He took some heavy breaths before looking up at me with glowing green eyes. ,, CHANYEOL!"

I was too much into staring to see another this time smaller vampires coming from behind me .

The roots of the trees rose almost as a shield for me and i stumbled backwards when they hit it being knocked backwards right before the roots moved away and back to its original place.

Baekhyun cam from behind me fighting one off with his daggers using them quite skilfully as he moved his way around it doudging and cutting it.

I moved on to the other one standing tall when it came from down I stomped onto its hand making it scream attempting to hit me with its free hand but I stepped back dodging it just in time.

I growled again moving with a lowered head as it did so aswell before it rose ready to jump on me but as I jumped I sneaked under it and bit onto its foot ripping it around and slamming it against a tree. My eyes caught a glimpse of baekhyun struggling with the vampire he's on and I bit onto the foot tighter swinging it's body over to hit the other vampire.

Seeing as they both just stayed down motionless I breathed in a few times before actually shifting while baekhyun slowly got onto his feet holding his arm close.
My nose sniffeled the air as I moved toward him stopping right in front of him just as he got to stand straight.

When he turned his head to look up at me I was shocked to see his face.. his eyes reflecting a glowing red.
He seemed equally as caught off guard as me.

U blinked quickly rubbing over my eyes when his eyes suddenly reflected the yellowish I was so familiar with again. ,,i .. I smell blood " i changed the topic and he looked down at that raising his arm lightly to show a gash running over it. It didn't seem too bad but still was bleeding quite a lot.

I moved away back to the Bush to grab my shirt ripping a piece off from the edge before I put it back on and walked over to him. I tried it around his gash and he grimaced a little when I tightened it, looking back up at him he still stared at my eyes speechlessly.
,, are you ok ?"

He hesitated before he nodded with a slight smile ,, y-yeah "
His little smile made me return it as I still held onto his arm.

He looked over my shoulder and I only now realized that everything was lit up by a strong orange light. I didn't need to turn around and admire the sunset when it reflected beautiful in his eyes.

He seemed in aw and it was incredibly adorable. I didn't want to pull him out of it but I couldn't hold back either. It was like a moment we wouldn't be able to get so soon again.

So I carefully cupped his face and made him look at me instead of the sunset. He swallowed and his eyes looking at My lips made me feel at ease to do this.

I smiled softly before leaning closer down to him. He exhaled shakingly when I stopped just a few inches away from his lips.

Then he closed his eyes and stood up on his tippytoes his hands gripping onto my shirt as his lips were meeting mine and his arms moved to fold around the back of my neck when I titled my head takig in the sweet taste of his lips and I grabbed onto his was It supporting him in leaning up to me as I also leaned more down.

We moved apart only to catch our breaths before he willingly connected our lips again.
I've never experienced such An amazing feeling. Being able to finally hold him this close and have him for me was priceless and I felt like I would do anything to keep it that way.

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