Demi must have sensed my nerves about the fact she wouldn't be in physical contact distance because she stood up and pulled me into her embrace.

She held my head to her body and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm gonna be right there melody. I can see you and you can see me. Don't be scared"

She pointed to the booth she would be singing in then released me from her hold.

I nodded and made my way to the sofa in the room. Demi passed me her iPad then headed over to the two men in the room to start work.

I plugged in the headphones to the iPad and my eyes scanned over the things I think are called apps.

I've never used an iPad before.

Demi mentioned Netflix but I don't know what to press for that. My eyes scan over the little squares but I don't know which one is Netflix.

I see one with the letter N but I can't read the word beneath it. I press it anyway in the hope that it's the right one.

It looks like I'm right because lots of different films and TV shows pop up.

I've no clue what to watch. I've hardly ever watched anything and can't read the titles.

I jump when Natalie comes and sits beside me.

"Ooooo Netflix" she says excitedly

I simply smile up at her.

"What you gonna watch?" She asked

"I don't know what's good" I replied

"Want me to choose something for you?"


I handed her the iPad and she typed something in the search bar.

"Here give this a go" she smiled warmly

"Thank you"

"Do you want a drink or some snacks?"

"No. I'm ok thank you"

"Alright well I'll be over there if you need anything"

She got up and left and I turned my attention to the film.

The title came up, but in my eyes it was all muddled.

Selena Gomez came up on the screen and I like her so this must be a good film.

I curl my legs underneath me and get myself comfortable.

About twenty minutes later I'm distracted from the film when I hear the most amazing voice. I take out the headphones and look up to see and hear Demi singing.

She's incredible and so memorising.

She puts so much emotion into her songs that you can't help but feel overwhelmed hearing her sound so raw.

I didn't end up watching the rest of the film, I couldn't stop watching Demi. Every now and again she'd look at me and give me a smile or a wink.

A while later Demi walked out and came over to me.

"Come on sweetie. Let's go get some lunch"

She pulled me up off the sofa and led me out of the studio.

"What do you want to eat?"

I didn't reply. I didn't want anything and she knew that.


"You pick"

"Alright then come on. I know a place just round the corner"

We walked hand in hand down the street until we came to a little cute restaurant.

She Became MineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora