The only times I stepped foot in school were on test days, where I'd just copy off the answers from the girl next to me, who was getting kind of tired of my bullshit. But I know she wouldn't rat me out. She didn't want to be that bitch. She'd try to convince me to come to school. Telling me I had potential, that I could go to college, get a degree and have a nice, stable life.

Ah... You sweet summer child.

Zack had taken over my head, my heart and my feelings. There was no turning back now. I could only hope that the pain would stop. Maybe one day.

Meanwhile, I'd just try to pick myself up every once in a while by sleeping with whoever was down to it at parties. We'd sneak out to the bathroom or so, and, with a shit ton of drugs and alcohol in my system, I'd be able to forget about Zack for a few hours.

It wasn't life-goals. I know it wasn't. And my love for Zack felt like a burden. It was stopping me from living a regular life and I hated it.

So, that night, I met up with the group at the skatepark, our favourite meeting spot. I borrowed my brother's old skateboard and just did some tricks with them. Those moments were golden. There was no better feeling than landing a trick I'd practising for ages.

Then, Ethan had an idea. He took a spray can from his backpack and showed it to us with a wide grin.

"Wanna do some graffiti, bitch?"

Everyone smiled ear to ear.

"Fuck yeah," Tyler loved drawing dicks on buildings for some reason.

"Let's do it," I loved writing random quotes on bridges and stuff. Kind of poetic, to leave a mark on the world, even though, it'd probably get cleaned out in the next couple of weeks.

"Okay, then," Ethan smiled "I'll go with Alli..."

Yeah, he was the only person ever that called me Alli. I don't know why. What was the matter with Allison? Why Alli? I don't know, guys are weird and complicated.

"I have paint for like half of us, so, if we split up, each pair gets a can, and can do whatever the fuck around town..."

"Yeah," said Hadley, pairing up with Jac "I'll go with Jac."

Enzo paired up with Liam and Tyler. And Ethan gave each of them a can.

"Let's roll, fuckers..."

I followed Ethan through the darkest parts of town until we got to a nice, rich neighborhood.

"Let's show these motherfuckers how it's like in the hood," Ethan smiled widely at me and drew something on someone's fence.

I wrote something as well, and then we heard a scream behind us.


And when we looked back, a dude without a shirt on, was chasing us with a baseball bat.

"I'M CALLING THE COPS," he started to chase us down the street, but our skateboards were way faster.

We snuck into a dark alley and a few minutes later we heard some sirens from the distance.

We were breathless, and Ethan opened his eyes wide.

"That was amazing, right?"

I shook my head and smiled.


We started laughing a lot. So much our bellies were stinging and everything around us didn't matter anymore. The cops were gone and nothing was wrong in the world.

Then, he grabbed my face and envolved his lips on mine. His tongue snuck into my mouth, and before I knew it, he got me in this long, passionate, perfect kiss.

I stuck my fingers into his soft hair and for a few moments, that was where we stayed. He bit my lip and looked at me in the eyes, pressing his forehead against mine. He grabbed my waist and smiled, ear to ear.

"You have no idea of how much I wanted to do this... You're so beautiful..."

Now, before you start calling me a whore.

Shut the fuck up.

I know I'm one. Let me own it, alright?

Ethan wasn't, by any means, the guy that I'd like to date, marry and have a family.

But, by now, I could just tell you that if you think this story will end that way, you're just oblivious to reality. The truth is that falling in love is just chemicals in your brain that suddenly decide to fuck your life up. That's it.

And dating and marriage and families never end well. Why even bother making one of those things happen if you're only going to get pain and suffering?

Well, back to the story...

However, Ethan was really hot. And, even though I'd never admitted it to him, I've always wondered what it'd be like to fuck him.

I just would never think he'd think the same of me.

And before I could even begin to process what had just happened, he pulled me into another kiss. Another moment of perfection.

My Bro's Hot FriendWhere stories live. Discover now