36 | Pictures

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36 | Pictures

J u l i a n

She's been seeing him for a month, and she already wants to sleep over.

"Oh hush, stop being such a prick!" she rolls her eyes at me as she flops down onto her bed, grabbing her hairbrush from the bedside table and starting to section her hair. "I'm sixteen, not six. I can look after myself- and it's not like we're going to have sex."

I raise my eyebrows at her, scowling. I'm sat on the carpet right next to her bed, cross-legged and leaning against the side of her mattress. We stopped sharing a room when my voice started cracking and her body started to look less like a stick and more like a wasp- we were about twelve- but I still spend most of my time in here. Mainly because it's bigger than my room- she bagsed it first- but also because it's just natural to spend most of our time together. Our whole lives, we've basically lived as two halves of the same person. Though me as the half with the deeper voice, obviously.

Jen reaches out and grabs each of my cheeks, stretching them out into the shape of a grin. "Be happy for me, Ju..."

"It's not like you're getting married," I roll my eyes, moving my face away from her grabbing hands. Me and Jen have always been close- we're twins, the relationship is kinda by default- but that doesn't mean we don't argue. We're both really stubborn, and I'm allowed to stay pissed. She's had boyfriends before- as I've had girlfriends before- but Logan is the one I like least.

He's one of those boys who knows he's handsome, and swaggers around the school like he owns the place. A bit like Ty, actually, but at least Ty has the humour to make him actually likeable. Some of the time. Logan is just a dick, full stop.

She rolls her eyes back at me. "Well, Mr Salty can calm down, because I'm not going over until Saturday. That's in three days time."

"That's not the point. I don't want you to go at all."

She glares at me. "Shut up. You're not my father."

"Whatever." I make a point of taking out my phone and scrolling through instagram, ignoring her. I'm not even that big on social media, unlike Ty and the twins- even Jodi's opened up an instagram, and I'm pretty sure he secretly has a Tik Tok account as well. Ty has like three thousand followers, and the twins have a good eight hundred each. I guess it's easy to be popular when you got good genes from your parents. I'm currently on 1739, but hey, who's counting?

But nomatter how popular we McCartney boys are, it's Jen that everyone in the school is either in love with or desperately wants to be. Even the teachers like her, because she's smart and reads a lot. She's always put in charge of looking after new students, and her group of friends at school is made up of about fifteen girls, all equally smart and pretty. I joke with her that she's basically like those classic teen-fiction high school bitches that everyone loves, but is secretly horrible. She sticks out her tongue at me in return, telling me I'm like those teen-fiction wannabe bad boys who act all mysterious and deep, but are really just your average boring, pimply, smelly teenage boy.

We're not joking around now. Jen huffs at my mood and takes out her own phone and begins messaging someone on Snapchat. I bet you anything it's Logan. I feel my fists clench of their own accord, and quickly relax them. Chill, Julian. He's just an opinionated dude. Who also happens to be dating my sister.

Shit, what if I come home some day deeper into their relationship, and they're snogging on the sofa? Or on the stairs, or in the bathroom? Or half-way through having sex? Discussing wedding plans?


Shit, she's doing that thing when she keeps on dragging out my name until I pay attention to her. She does it whenever she doesn't get her way- from Mum and Dad, from Harry when he doesn't want to lend her cash, from Jodi when he won't let her on the PS4...she can basically get her way whenever she likes when she does it. It's annoying as fuck. I take out my headphones and turn on my Spotify playlist, trying to focus on Stormzy's voice rapping about his brothers don't dab.

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