12 | Take off your clothes

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11 | Take off your clothes

"So you aren't taking me to a dark alleyway."

Julian and I are sat in the two front seats in Harry's black truck, and what with the dark, being shut up in a truck and with it being eleven o'clock at night, I'm feeling more than a little creeped out, especially as Julian isn't letting on to where he's taking me any more than: "It's gonna be cool, I promise."

Now he rolls his eyes as he fumbles with his car-keys, shoving them into his jean pockets. "No, it isn't a dark alleyway."

"And it isn't...like, a wooden cabin in the forest or anything. Where, you know, know one can hear me scream...if...you know, if I were to scream. You know, hypothetically."

A smile tugs at Julian's lips. "No, Walker Girl. it isn't a wooden cabin, in the forest or otherwise."

"And it isn't-"

"Evvie, if you say one more word about alleyways or darkness or screaming, I'm gonna think you belong in a mental hospital. With a very warped mind."

I scowl at him as he starts up the engine. "Hey! I like to call it...creative."

"Yeah, whatever you say." He starts to maneuver the truck out of the drive, hands moving the wheel carefully and expertly. Then he gives a fake cough and mutters, "Warped mind," quickly before fake-coughing again.

"Hey!" I smack his arm, and he leans across me, practically lying on my stomach.

I suck my breath in sharply, feeling my heart beat fast as his skin brushes mine. What is he doing? Oh god, what if-

He takes a CD from a pouch in the side of the door and straightens back up, slotting it into a player in the car. Then he gives me a sideways glance. "You good?"

"Yeah!" I cough, clearing my throat. "Yeah, totally. I'm gucci."

He gives me an incredulous look as we get out onto the road. "Gucci? Who the hell even says that- I'm Gucci?"

I glare at him, but the smile on my face kinda ruins the effect. "You're so mean. Don't be judgemental."

"I said you belonged in a mental hospital!" he says with a touch of triumph, and then squeals as I smack his arm again, harder this time. "Hey, calm down, woman! Jesus! Why do you feel the need to beat the hell out of me every time I offend you a tiny bit?"

"No one gets to offend me," I say smugly, flexing my nonexistent muscles, and Julian sniggers. Then he clamps a hand over his mouth, eyeing me. "I didn't laugh."

"I'm gonna pretend I'm my grandma and didn't hear that."

We're out on the high street now, but what with it being dark and late, we only spot the occasional passing car or pedestrian on the pavement, their face a blur as we go by them in a spray of puddle-water. Yes, have I mentioned it has started to rain? This just makes the situation ten times creepier. It's raining hard and cold, and it's dark. What beautiful weather for a date out with a cute guy.

Wait- Julian, I meant Julian! Not a cute guy!

And this isn't a date...I don't think.

Feeling my cheeks go red, I force myself to replay every millisecond of my kiss with Jace to distract myself from Julian. His lips, how amazing they tasted, not to forget the softness of that gorgeous hair...

"What's got you smirking like a fat man who just got the last cookie?"

I quickly try to drop the smile. "Nothin'."

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