1 | Hormonal teenagers

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Hi everyone! If you've come across this book by accident, I hope you decide to stay for the ride. If a friend recommended it, I hope it doesn't disappoint you. I love every single one of you who decided to give my story a try, whether I know you personally or not. The votes and comments meant the world to me.

I'm writing this introduction after having finished writing this book. Actually, I finished it months ago. I already had an introduction when I started it, but I feel like I really need to re-write it, because this book didn't turn out how I expected it to when I first started writing it AT ALL. Therefore, the summary and notes that were previously up here probably weren't the most accurate. 8 Boys and a Walker Girl started as a side project, one I never expected to blow up or go anything beyond 25 chapters or so. Most of it just... happened along the way.

Before you dive into reading, I'd like to make a few important disclaimers. They're quite key, so please don't skip this section. It would be kind of disheartening to receive any comments later in this book referring to things I've covered here. If this sounds harsh, I don't mean it to. I love you all! You're all sweet and lovely and beautiful. But I've grown a lot and learned a lot since I finished writing Eveline's story, and there are a few things I feel the need to straighten out.

1. LGBTQ+ characters. They exist in this book. Why? Well, they exist in real life, and they always have, so what reason is there for them not to be in fiction, really? They're people, and I feel that representation of diversity is so important in fiction. So many books ignore characters who aren't straight, white and beautiful, and I want that to change.

If anything I write offends you, and you are LGBTQ+, PLEASE don't hesitate to point it out to me. I'm always trying to learn, and I never want to offend people with my writing. Another character who comes out as gay- I won't say who- I made sure to exclude from mainstream stereotypes, to show that just like there are different straight people, there are different gay people. If you can't deal with it... well. Your problem.

2. Cliché-ness. There are so many 'boys' books on Wattpad- girl is orphaned, girl moves in with a house full of model-looking boys. I always sort of knew I wanted to write my own one, so I never read any of them so that I wouldn't find myself plagiarising another story without realising it. My idea with starting this book was to make it about a girl and her brothers, whether biological or no, but it quickly lost that clicheness I went into it expecting to write. This is a book that has complicated layers of emotion and love. And if some of my ideas have been used more than once... I'm sorry, I guess.

3. Cast. I have made one, but I never cast Eveline. I think main characters are always sort of same-ish looking- slim white brunettes, 'not like other girls' types. I wanted my main character to be imagined however you want her to. I have an image of her in my head, obviously, but you're free to imagine her however :D

If you vote, it will make me so happy :)

Anyway, I won't ramble on for much longer, because I don't want to bore you all, and I want to get on with the story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! I've gotten really attached to all my characters, I don't know why, haha.

BE WARNED- there will be grammar mistakes. You are free to point them out , I wont bother to correct them. This book hasn't been edited, edared, edditid, proofread, pruuded, pureed.

Big love, Dellie xxx


1 | Hormonal teenagers

"Evvie, you're going to have to move your things out of your bedroom."

I'm sprawled across the sofa in the living room when my mum comes into the room and says this. There is a half-eaten bag of doritos in my lap, my hair looks like a plate of spaghetti and I am dressed in a sweater of my brothers, my underwear and Mum's big towelling dressing gown. Orange dorito-dust stains my fingers and mouth. I am so not in a state to be told that I am going to be moving out of my bedroom.

Eight Boys and a Walker girlWhere stories live. Discover now