24 | Secretive

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trailer attached above :)

(EDIT)This is the original trailer I had made ages ago by a very talented creator, but since then I've made a new one and have put the link at the top of chapter one. You have to manually type the link out because Wattpad doesn't let you copy and paste, but I hope you do anyway- I'm very proud of it and I think it embodies my characters really well.

Anywa, read on haha ;)

24 | Secretive

Outside, it's as cold and dark as any winter night, yet it's only May. I stumble through the tufty grass of the school grounds until I reach the whole in the fence, where I kneel down and crawl through, the wire mesh cutting the skin that is exposed by my lack of clothes. Yes, I conveniently forgot those at the pool when I ran off, meaning that right now I am shivering cold and covered in scratches, as well as shaking and crying as I stagger out onto the other side of the fence.

I run for Harry's black Range Rover, but decide against seating myself on the bonnet incase I leave marks, so instead I seat myself on the pavement-kerb, wrapping my arms around myself to keep myself warm. I would get inside the car, but Julian has the keys.

What happened back there?

I've always thought girls are their most stupid when they're getting over a break-up- icecream and crying as they watch cheesy movies, laying out all their worldly issues to their poor best friends who have to put up with a moping girl for the next month or so- but I take back every time I ever complained when Lauren broke up with her on-and-off boyfriend Hudson, telling her she needed to pull herself together. You would think I'd be happy. Jace was- is- a shit person. He cheats on girls, plays with their hearts, and, just like worthless toys, throws them away when he's finished with them. I was even doubting my feelings for him, even before I caught him with Zoe. If I didn't even like him that much, why am I running from the one guy who might genuinely have my heart when he kisses me in the most romantic place and way possible?

Because of him. Jace. His name tastes acidic and sour and horrible in my mouth, but I can't get him out of my mind.

Because Jace was the boy who taught me to love. Who fulfilled my secret dream of doing that cliche cinema-backseat-kiss-thing in real life with a real boy. Who I could talk to about anything. Who confided in me about his dad controlling his life. Does that dad even exist? What else did Jace lie to me about?

As much as I know I deserve more than him now- it still hurts that it's over.

Mum once told me that getting over things takes time. She told me this a few days after It Happened, when I hadn't left my room once except to eat and shower, so she probably wasn't talking about breaking up with your boyfriend. But I know what she means. I;ve just had my heart broken- I can't just rush into a new relationship without it mending first.

But- deep down, something tells me that this isn't everything. That maybe the reason that I was so afraid to let Julian kiss me was because of how badly I wanted it- had been wanting it, and for so long.

I don't know how long I'm sat out there, shivering on the pavement in my underwear, but it seems like only a few moments before I hear footsteps behind me, and then a shadow falling over me. A tall, broad-shouldered shadow, with damp, tousled hair dripping onto the pavement. Julian sits himself down beside me silently, feet resting in the road next to mine, running a hand through his hair. I notice that he's put his jeans and top back on, though the top few buttons of his shirt aren't done up, probably forgotten in his hurry to run after me. I can feel him looking at me. I force myself not to look at him, concentrating instead on my feet, which are black with grime from running barefoot along the muddy grass and then the filthy pavement.

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