Chapter 38

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"Ugh!" I complained as I was currently seated upside down in my couch. I had received word from Naruto that Natsu and him were having a guys night. What ever that means and that leaves me alone to myself.

I was waiting for Kakashi to give me the okay to see Uchiha, but so far nothing. It had to have been late afternoon and I could feel the blood rushing to my head. I put my hands on the ground and pushed myself off the couch. I grabbed an apple from the counter and took a bite.

I slammed my head into the counter, this is where I die if boredom. I resorted to playing around with water. Making shapes in my palm was my source of entertainment for the moment.

Once I got bored of that too I took out my scythe and started to polish it lightly. "Oh my Mavis! Send me something to do you damn fairy!"

My whining could probably be heard from a block down but I didn't care at this point. I looked at the picture on the counter. A simple one of Wendy and I having a water fight in a creek. We had to be ten in the picture. I smiled at the memory and was caught off guard by a knock at my door. I jumped slightly and rushed to the door. Maybe Mavis had heard me, or Kakashi probably.

I twisted the knob and expected the silver haired man to be standing their. My eyes widened as I made eye contact with the person in front of me. The apple I had be snacking on fell from my hand. I was frozen in shock, the raven haired male stood still, his smirk appearing in his smug face.

"Hey." Sauske said in a causal tone. He stuck his hand out in front of him and made a small gesture to it. "I'm Sauske Uchiha, pleasure to meet you."

I took his hand in my own, realizing what he was doing. "Hailey Yuki, but my freinds call me Reaper."

"Nice to meet you Hailey." I could see the smile that replaced his smirk, and needless to say it was contagious. I stepped to the side and allowed him to enter. "How are you here?"

"I convinced Kakashi to let me see you in person here. He let me out jail with restrictions and such." I nodded slowly, taking in his words. My hand was slightly giddy from the excitement I was experiencing. "I see..."

We fell into silence, not awkward or unsettling but an almost comfortable silence. I moved over to the couch and took a seat next to the raven haired male.

"So, what are your plans?" He asked, an almost worried tone in his voice. I shrugged and sunk into my seat, my hands resting behind my head. "No idea, I might head back to Fiore for a while, to help Lucy and Juvia. Yours?"

"I need a break from the village and everything, I need time to think." He spoke lightly, seemingly choosing his words carefully. I looked him in the eyes, his singular rinnegan on display along with his normal onyx color. I frowned upon seeing the determination he held. "I see."

"I should only be a year or so." He quickly added, seeing my sullen face. "I understand, I ju-we just both need time to think."

"Yeah to think." The tension in the room had risen since that start of our conversation. The silence had also returned and wasn't pleasant anymore. But me being me decided to break the tension and silence.

"So this is goodbye for awhile?" I confirmed, trying my best to hide the clenching feeling in my chest. "I guess so..."

"I leave with Natsu tommorow and that's that." I spoke softly, fidgeting with my thumbs.

"I'll take my leave." Sasuke moved from where he sat and started to walk for the door. Before I could comprehend my own actions, I reached for his wrist. "Wait."

He looked at me, scanning for my reasons undoubtly. "I have something for you."

I fished through my pockets, then realized I had left it on my bed stand. I slid my hand down my face and looked at the curious Uchiha. He smirked and looked at me with a quirked brow. "I, Um, left it somewhere. Wait here!"

I paced to my room rather quickly and grabbed the two cufflets from my desk. I joined Sasuke once again and held out one of the two lacrimas.
"I kinda figured I would go back for a while and I had a friend of mine make these for us. I didn't know if you wore bracelets or not, but it was the most convenient way for them to-" lips were presser up against my own, which stopped my rambling. His hands went to my waist, my own rested on his broad chest. Our lips moved in sync, my ways fluttering closed. I could get used to being shut up this way. But then again we won't see each other for awhile. Against my wishes, we separated. Even though I can breath out many things, I still need to take in air for my lungs to work. He leaned his forehead against mine, taking a bracelet and putting it around his wrist. "I like it."

Those three words seemed to have meant more than the kiss, and made me feel that this long distance thing might work out. "It's a communication lacrima, but I call it a talker for short. We can talk to one another no matter the distance."

He pulled me into a hug, I don't know how long we stayed like this. It felt like seconds, but I knew it wasn't. Maybe things would work out, or maybe not. Who knows what life has in store for us, but for now we just have to keep moving forward.

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