Chapter 40

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I walked slowly, the woods surrounding me became familiar. Too familiar. This was always the worst part. The woods started to get thinner and a path could be seen. I didn't realise how bad my hands were trembling until I looked down at the path.

"No turning back now." I spoke lightly as I liked back up and continued down the path at a steady pace. Soon enough the woods were history and I had reached the gardens. The flowers were starting to wilt and the herbs was not far behind.

My eyes swirled a brown color, as I took in a deep breath. I slammed my foot on the ground. I released an fertilizer to help the plants. Ever so slowly the flowers color had returned. I was attracted to the patch of lavender whose color reminded me of a certain purple eyed maiden I once called my mother.

I plucked one from the patch and held it as I reached the doors of the estate. "Home sweet home."

I pushed the doors open, the hinges creaking as I did so. I was in the entrance, I lit my hand on fire, then sent the flame towards the ceiling, effectively lighting up the candle chandelier that hung from the tall ceiling. The marble walls had become an almost off white color and the floor was dusty.

As I walked farther into the house, I used my wind element to rid of the dust and cobwebs. I sighed as I had reached the family room. The sofa was in the same place, and a vase was smashed in the corner of the room. I looked up to a shelf that it must of fallen off.

My gaze drifted to the collection of pictures that were on display. One specifically caught my attention. It was one from when I was no older than three. My mother put me on her shoulders, as I tried climbing a tree. I was too short so I stood on top of her shoulders. After I had made it in the tree I started chanting.

"I'm queen of the castle." I whispered ever so lightly as my fingers lingered on the frame. There was many, my little head of Lilac hair stood out in everyone, along with my mother's vibrant hair.

The big painting over the fire place was the three of us. I was almost four. My father sat in the chair looking serious, while mother stood by his side with her warm gentle smile. I sat on my father's lap, my grin bigger than life itself. What I would give to have a normal childhood. A tear trickled down my cheek and it was soon followed by many others.

I wiped my eyes as I made my way upstairs, still dusting as I went. I creaked open another door and was greeted by the bright lavender walls and off white carpet. Toys were scattered around the room, the bed positioned against the wall. I called it my princess bed because of how the curtains fell around the frame and how the linen above made it so I couldn't see the flowers that were painted on my ceiling.

I looked around the room and my eyes fell over to the white desk in the corner of the room. I made my way over there. On top was nothing special. A pen, and a old coloring book. I sat on the fluffy stool and opened the three drawers. One was filled to the brim with crayons, the other held coloring books and the last one was empty. Almost empty.

A white envelope laid at the bottom of the drawer. I took of out and flipped it over to see my name in cursive writing. I immediately recognized it as my mother's penmanship.

I carefully broke the purple wax that sealed the envelope closed. Then proceeded to delicately slide the contents onto the white desk. Inside was a small purple gem and a folded piece of paper. I flattened the paper and saw the same cursive writing.

Hey Hailey,

I'm probably gone by now, as you must have figured out I was killed because of our power. I unfortunately was blessed with being able to control it completely. Anyhow, I assume you and Arthur have had a falling out by the time you read this. I do admit, marrying him was the biggest regret of my life, but it wasn't entirely bad. I had you after all, you seemed to make everything I did worthwhile. Anything you did would only make me smile. You'd always babble about wanting to go to a real school and make many freinds.

The gem I left you is something I put together before my demise. It's called a realm breaker. You'd be able to open rifts without using your own magic. I remember it was hard for you performing dimensions, so I thought this could help.

Business aside how are you? I'm somehow okay with the fact that I might die soon, it means I'll finally be at peace. I hope my death didn't affect you greatly. How old are you? Have you eaten properly? How many birthdays have I missed? My I am good at losing focus. I love you Hailey, my light in the dark. My little fighter, don't stop fighting until the bitter end. Live a meaningful life and protect those you care about. I'm truly sorry I wasn't able to save you from this cruel reality.

Okay I really have to ask, do you have a boyfriend???? Is he cute? Nice? Protective? I wish I could have met your special someone. I hate to cut this letter short but I'm running out of space to write. I love you to the stars and you make me proud everyday. Continue to smile and make others happy, but don't be afraid to show weakness to those you surround yourself with. I love you my beautiful baby girl.

Forever loved by,

Maria Yuki

Water hit the paper like a waterfall my hands trembled. I was shaking in my own body, tears cascaded down my face but yet a smile stayed on my face. My left hand had been shaking so much, but I soon realized why.

"H-ello." I spoke through my tears and raspy voice, not really caring how I sounded. "Are you okay? Are you crying? What's going-"

"Sauske I'm fine!" I stuttered, the tears hadn't stopped falling and I was listening to a worried Sasuke. What an abnormal birthday this has been.

"You sure?" He asked, his voice laced with concern. "Yah, I visited my old home and found something my mother left for me."

"Alright, I wanted you to wish you a happy birthday." He said his voice finally falling back into his regular not caring tone. "Thanks Sasuke..."

I paused trying to think of the right words to say. Three words came to my head.

"I love you."

"I love you."

We said in Unison, and at this moment I think my mother would be proud of me and Sauske.

I can officially say, Happy Fucking birthday to myself.

The Reapers Resolve (Naruto X Fairytail)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ