Chapter 19

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Minato rushed forwards, but not before the size of Obito started to retract on himself. I am so done with the shape-shifting bastard.

Once the transformation happened yet again, Obito stood tall, back to human-sized. His skin seemed to be stretched like a cape. He held a staff made of the black matter with rings and spheres floating around him.

"Finally Sensei..." Obito spoke, but it seemed different. He seemed to be more aware of the situation at hand. I think he might have gained control of the horrid beast. Minato's kunai collided with the staff, the crashing sound of metal filled my ears.

However, Minato's kunai stood no chance as it merely broke the tip cleanly off. Obito swung with his free hand, this time taking off Minato's right arm.

"Dad!" Naruto gasped out, Sasuke and I shot our arms out and stopped him from advancing. "Naruto focus!"

Minato appeared in front of us, his arm severed from his body. Once again I was glad the reanimations didn't bleed.

"He got me, but I'm fine." Minato assured, his eyes refocusing on the battle before us. My mind drifted back to what Obito had said, he called Minato Sensei. I will have to look into the matter later, right now we have this battle to win.

"Are you sure about that?" Obito pointed to a black sphere that was near Minato's recently severed arm. I looked down in shock, when did he even have the time to get it over here? I realized that his intellectual capacity was back, it was no longer shrouded by the beast. He was back to strategizing like a person, this makes our battle much more challenging.

The small black sphere gleamed viciously. I was glad that my eyesight was enhanced, or I would be in some deep shit right about now. The gleam got brighter and more amplified, leaving me to only see white. I could undoubtedly feel energy surging throughout the area, the magnitude of the power was otherworldly. He was no longer making abrupt and rash decisions, meaning that his abilities could now fulfill their full potential.

I felt warmth surround me, and I could feel Naruto's chakra beside me. I saw a faint shimmer of purple in my vision, but that was quickly taken away as more white cloaked my sight.

In mere seconds the white was gone, and I could see everyone standing as they were before. That was until I noticed that Lord Second was next to Obito shoving the attack in Obito's direction. "You can have this back."

Then once again, the two males disappeared and in the distance, a loud explosion could be seen once again. I now realized that the purple glow was Sasuke's Susanoo, it cloaked the three of us, minus Minato that is.

"Don't worry, I only teleported a clone," Tobirama appeared next to us. Susanoo vanished into the air as I turned to face him. So this dude was our savior, no wonder he was a previous Hokage, they don't just give out that title for free. "I marked him the last time we were in combat."

"Amazing! You can copy, my dad's and Hailey's move! Impressive second great stone face guy!" Naruto gawked, I facepalmed and just waited for Tobirama's reaction. This one outta be good.

"Lord fourth and the girl is using my move," Tobirama informed in a matter of fact tone. "And just call me Lord Second."

Minato laughed slightly as his son's outburst. I mean I also recently learned that this was his jutsu, but Naruto doesn't need to know that. Tobirama's side seemed to be fully recovered by now.

From the explosion, a sphere came rising out of the ashes. The layer breaking away to reveal an unscathed Obito.

"He blocked it, sure is fast," Tobirama uttered, his voice even. "We won't be able to hit him with any ordinary jutsu."

"I guess I'll have to make an opening," Minato concluded, his voice held determination, but not for himself, but for everyone around him. I can see why he made an excellent Hokage, and where Naruto got his personality from. "Using my Wolf howl stage three."

"You're a bit of a comedian aren't you?" Tobirama joked I think it was a joke, his voice was still the same tone as before. "I'd usually make fun of your names, but this guy we're facing is no joke."

I agree, which is why I'll create the opening. I lunged forward, but I noticed that Naruto and Sasuke had the same thought as me.

"Amaterasu." Sasuke sent his black flames hurtling towards Obito, but he blocked it with no effort.

"Sasuke, Hailey, Naruto, I'd said I would create an opening for you!" Minato shouted as we continued to advance on Obito.

"I'll do it!" Sasuke volunteered, I smirk grew on my face, maybe he does really want to change.

"No! We'll do it!" Naruto finished, I fist bumped him as we continued to race towards the jinchuriki.

"We'll let the oldies be the main act!" I enthused, a smirk never fading from my face. This battle might just be looking in our favor.

"I could tell you were amassing chakra in your left eye," Obito examined, I think towards Sasuke and his previous attack. "Hardly a surprise attack."

I scoffed at his words, seems he's cocky too. Kicking him off his high horse might be exactly what he needs.

"Naruto, this time I'll match your chakra levels using my Sharingan," Sasuke informed as Naruto's chakra cloak started to make a Rasengan.

"I'll amplify the attack with my magic." My eyes swirled into a sky color, this might be one of the best attacks yet.

"Wind Style: Rasen Shuriken!"

"Inferno Style: Flame Control!"

"Sky Dragon: Roar!"

Naruto's and Sasuke's attacks collided first, creating a dark Rasengan. I'll add more wind to create a bigger range of fire once they release the jutsu. This is what Leaf ninja can do.

Our attack collided with Minato, leaving the three of us shocked. I caught what he said before Minato was replaced with Obito. "I'll let you three be the main act."

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