Chapter 43

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The breeze of early fall swept my hair from my shoulders and flowed freely in the wind. Six long months, but feels like less. Six months ago today is when I last saw him in person. And to say I miss him is an understatement. I sighed as I sat in a tree, looking at the birds near me chirping away.

I hopped down from where I once sat and walked back to the guild. Oh did I mention Lucy's in labor as I make my way back. She has been for the last six hours and I'm fucking exhausted. I made my way to the infirmary and walked back to Wendy.

"Shut up Natsu!" I shivered at Lucy's voice, I'm ready for nice Lucy to come back. Her contractions were becoming quicker and she was almost dialated. I pushed the door open with Wendy behind me. This was the first baby I have ever delivered.

Porlyusica was also here but wasn't exactly the happiest. She said, and I quote. "I will not touch the little beast I am solely here to make sure blondie makes it through." Way to keep our spirits high old lady.

Another two hours pass and finally Lucy is ready. I take my spot to catch the baby and Wendy starts coaxing Lucy into pushing. I start to see an arm and immediately cursed.

"Lucy don't push!" I shouted a lot louder than I had intended for it to be. Wendy immediately understood my fear and together we shifted the baby so it was head first. "Okay Lucy keep going."

She wasted no time and the baby fell into my arms after about three minutes of pushing. I wrapped up the child in a blanket and walked off to clean the infant.

I saw Lucy start to relax and exhaustion was evident on her pale face. Natsu was rubbing her shoulders as I brought back the baby, who was all cleaned off.

"Lucy would you like to hold your baby girl?" I asked as I made my way to the side of her bed. She nodded eagerly and I handed her the baby. Love filled her eyes and I saw Natsu smirk proudly. I patted the slayer on the back and whispered to him. "You'll make a fine father."

I walked out of the room along with Wendy. We high fived on the way and giggled all the way to the main hall.

"Juvia or Mira?" I asked with a confident smirk. She quirked a brow and smiled. "I think Juvia so I'm going to say Mira."

I smiled and agreed with her. Natsu soon came out of the infirmary holding the tiny child in his hands. He called for everyone's attention and his goofy smile somehow made its way around the guild. I guess happiness is contagious.

"Everyone welcome Luna Dragneel to the family!" He held up their daughter with pride and everyone hollered, well until Luna started to cry from all the noise. I have no doubt that she'll get used to he rambunctiousness of the guild. Natsu laughed and brought her back to Lucy who was probably sleeping off the exhaustion. I wiped my forehead of sweat that I haven't even noticed until now.

"Ima take off for the night, I'm hella tired and want to sleep." I told the bluenette who stood beside me. She smiled and waved my off. "It's fine I understand, I actually have a date with Romeo I have to get ready for."

"Ohhh~" I squealed and grabbed onto her pale hands. "Forget sleep, I need to help you get ready for your date!"

I dragged her out of the guild with me and to my house on the outskirts of town. I pushed her into the bathroom and told her to take a relaxing tin while I find the perfect outfit.

I ran to her clothes that she keep at my house and started looking through them. I pulled out a green thigh length dress. I smirked and added a little touch ups to make it more... Revealing shall I say?

Wendy came out in a towel and I threw the dress at her. I waited for her to change and smiled when she was finally dressed. It hugged her upper body tightly, while it flowed past her hips and stopped shy of her knee. Her guild mark was on display as the ruffle sleeves draped off of her shoulders. I grabbed a yellow ribbon and tied it around her waist and tied the back of her dress around her neck in a criss cross manner.

I took a step back and smiled at my masterpiece. I guided her to a mirror and her mouth hit the floor at her new found appearance.

"Now I'm not the best at hair but I can braid really well!" I suggested excitedly. She smiled and me and nodded as she sat on a stool I had in my bedroom. I grabbed a brush and started to French braid the top of her head into two sections that lead to her now curly pigtails.

I took a step back and allowed her to take full glance at the young lady she has become. I smiled like and idiot at my best friend.

A knock intruded on our moment and I greeted Romeo at the door. I smiled as he was wearing a white poll with dress pants. He cleans up nicely to say the least.

"H-hey Hailey!" He stuttered but quickly gained confidence. I sent him a slight glare and raised a brow. He gulped down a lump and backed away from me slowly. "You hurt one hair in her head, and you won't have one. Understand?"

He nodded frantically and my glare dropped and was replaced with an welcoming smile. Wendy came to the door, as she slipped on her light green flats that may he her dress perfectly. She blushed at the sight of Romeo who was rendered speechless. I hit Romeo in the back and pulled Wendy out the door.

"Stop starring, your Juliette is waiting."

He smiled and took her hand, and together they went off. I sat on my couch and looked up at the ceiling.

Will we be that happy together?

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