Chapter 4

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We proceeded to pursue those in front of us. However something inside of me was telling me something was wrong, I sensed magic, which should be impossible.

Unless those idiots followed me here there should be no magic. "Kakashi."

He looked at me, stopping on a branch near me as he came to a stop. "Something's wrong, I those two were following have another, but I can still only make out two pairs of footsteps."

"So what your saying is one of them is light?" I rolled my eyes and concentrated on the people in front of us. I sent waves of magic ahead, using it like echolocation. "No there is most definitely three people."

We're two miles behind them, may as well just rush in. "Fuck this."

I lunged off my branch, breaking it in my wake. I moved fast, but let Kakashi keep pace with me. The smells were becoming more prominent. I can still sense vain heartbeats against the ground.

"The monotone beats should be around here, they are getting weaker." I observed, I can smell blood about a hundred feet ahead. I followed my nose, using it to our advantage.

My running came to a halt when I spotted two people unconscious lying on the ground. "Kakashi check the pulses!"

He wasted no time in dropping to his knees next to a man probably around twenty-seven. I dropped next to a women, looks slightly younger. Judging by their wounds and headbands they were ninja. They bore the same symbol as Kakashi and I, the allied shinobi forces.

I placed my hand on her chest, she was weak, her condition is critical. I clenched my teeth, looking her over. She has vertical slashes going across her body. They were deep, they weren't no accident either. Going off the size and various lengths these were caused by a scythe user.

"Kakashi who do you know that uses a scythe?" I queried the white haired shinobi, I didn't even bother looking over at him. My skillful hands started to glow a vast green color.

"There is Hidan the Akatsuki membre, but Shikamaru completely torn him to shreds. He's losing blood fast!"

"Shit." I cursed under my breath, the cuts were to deep to heal regularly. They needed stitches, something I couldn't do at the moment. "Add pressure to the more threatening gashes!"

I took Kakashi's silence as he pressed against the wounds. My hands were coated in crimson blood of another life I could lose right here. My eyes flashed a baby blue color, my hair swirling upwards.

Being in a separate dragon force should enhance my healing magic. According to Porlyusica, in sky dragon force I should be able to heal wounds inflicted by as powerful as a dragon.

Scales coated my pale figure, my hair breaking loose from its once braided place. My teeth sharpening into much deadlier canine teeth. Small wings appeared on my back, tearing the back of my tank top in the process.

"O gods that grace us above, give me the strength to help the poor souls." I mumbled under my breath, placing my scaly hands on her more dominant wounds. I can't risk using a magic transfer spell, because infusing magic into a chakra user has unknown effects.

The edges of the wounds slowly stopped bleeding, then fused into the skin to become nothing more than a scar.

I huffed out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding. My intensely concentrated magic is definitely going to alert anyone within a two mile radius.

As soon as the vast majority of wounds were healed a moved over to Kakashi and the man he helped. I did the same thing to him, however his wounds were far less extreme and were minor compared to the other girl.

I let my dragon force fall as my healing spell did the same. I collapsed to the ground, due to my magic redistributing into my body. I laid back on the soft grass, a singular bead of sweat rolled down my face, that could of ended badly.

"Good job Hailey." I chuckled at his lack of enthusiasm. I rolled my head to turn towards him, he was crouching nearby, checking on the girl. "They should be fine, just scars left."

I absentmindedly traced the scars on my neck, they went to my Fairytail mark. A smile spreading across my face as I did so.

"We need to get them to the shinobi forces, and whatever you did will alert others of our position." I jumped to my feet, rolling my eyes as he picked up the man and threw him over his shoulder.

"Guess this means we should get moving." I sighed, then proceeding to swing the girl in a not so gentle manner, over my shoulder. "Plus we should avoid the guys in front of us."

He nodded and picked up the pace as we took a longer route around the three entities. For whatever reason one of them reeked of death, and faint magic. It was driving me nuts, I just want to go over there in kick them upside the head. However with injured ninja that wouldn't be the smartest decision.

The scenery changed from green lands, to sand in the matter of an hour or so. I can hear the loud chatter of many people up ahead. "Only about another hour before we reach the agreed location."

"Okie dokie Kaka." I blurted with no regret. He shot me a look, but quickly looked away. "Such a pain you are."

I smiled as he rolled his one visible eye.

"Admit it I'm the best student you've ever been graced with!"

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